29 January 2021 ~
We’re back! Let’s get season 6 started with RockyMountainNavy and BBMike, as they join Brant for a discussion of game mods: everything from changing out the graphics to house rules to mashing up game to creating your own scenarios. Note that we’re talking almost exclusively about tabletop gaming here, so this isn’t about just swapping out graphics in a JTS game.
Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.
Among the games we discuss? The Striker rules for Traveller, Panzer Leader, Victory in the Pacific, The Flashpoint: Central Front variant for Fifth Corps, ASL, Flat Top, Crusader Rex, Full Canvas Jacket, Star Fleet Battles, and many others.
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And here’s the big-ass Panzer Leader game that Brant referenced in the episode