February 18, 2025

Mentioned In Dispatches – Season 6 Ep 2 – Online Napoleonicisms

5 February 2021 ~

What started life as a discussion about online convention events quickly morphed into a longer chat about Cyrano’s choice of battles & projects for his online wargames through Saturday Night Fights and Wednesday Night Warfare.  We also talk about how to conduct a synchronous multi-player live Kriegsspiel through TTS, or some other medium, and what sorts of ‘tentpole’ events we might have at future ACDC’s.  There’s also the still-unanswered question about just how many times we’re going to play the 1809 Bavarian campaign.

Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.

Oh yeah, and we take a moment to genuflect to the reigning Grognard of the Year™ and allow him a moment to revel in his newest resume bullet.
There’s also at least one tale of Velker’s mysterious ‘way’ with his online dice.  Now we’re not saying that he’s got some sort of TTS code inject that magically rolls exactly what he needed every time, but we’re not not saying it, either.

If you get a chance, please go hit the iTunes page for our podcast and give us a rating – whatever you think is fair!  We need some more reviews before iTunes will start recommending us in their podcast engine, so every rating helps!

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Mentioned In Dispatches
Mentioned In Dispatches - Season 6 Ep 2 - Online Napoleonicisms

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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