Armchair Dragoons, Regimental Warning Order 24-308
Distribution restriction: No restriction; unlimited distribution is authorized
- Weather – It’s warmer than it should be for this time of year, but still not great, so let’s stay inside and play games!
- Enemy Forces – Endless, non-stop, unceasing media coverage of the US Presidential election, which we’re all pretty much sick of
- Friendly Forces – Friendly forces for this mission include all Dragoons, with additional reinforcements being coordinated
- Attachments & Detachments – None at the present
The Armchair Dragoons and other friendly forces conduct online/virtual game convention operations beginning with event submission (4 November) and badge registration (approx 30 November 2024), before culminating with the execution of the Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention (The ACDC), from 17-19 January 2025.
- Commander’s Intent
The Armchair Dragoons continue their tradition of excellence in virtual wargaming event planning & execution, with our annual mid-January digital convention. We provide wargamers with a quality convention to look forward to coming out of the holiday season, and gives players an opportunity to meet, play, and congregate in another online/virtual convention.
The Armchair Dragoons intend to offer a mixture of larger events, quick/casual games, opportunities to learn from/play with designers, a robust seminar program, and a variety of industry-focused talk shows.
Additionally, this year will serve as the first transition year from the current ACDC organizing team to a new set of volunteers. Please contact the organizing team at armchairdragoonsevents – (AT) – that ‘gmail’ thingee if you’d like to volunteer to help plan & organize future ACDCs.
- Concept of the Operation
The ACDC will focus on the following 3 features:
- Wargaming Events: the primary activity will be wargames played through virtual tabletop systems like VASSAL, Rally The Troops, Tabletop Simulator, and Tabletopia.
Registered players may play in any number of non-overlapping events for their $4 registration cost.
The GMs will ensure the appropriate game-specific modules are available for the players joining the game. (Sync Matrix TBP, below) - Topical Seminars: Both wargame-related and more general military history seminars are planned, including formal presentations, industry interviews, and talk shows.
- The Convention ‘Community’: There will be additional channels opened up on the Discord server to create virtual ‘meeting places’ for attendees to congregate between games for any sort of community-building discussion.
The ACDC will also include several “pick-up game” voice/chat channels for use by players who decide to join in any impromptu or unscheduled games they organize between themselves.
Note that these pick-up games are not official ACDC events, and will not appear in our schedule nor will tickets to those events be required (though you will still need a badge for the show for access to the channels on the Discord server).
- Subordinate Tasks
- Organizing Committee – Update/create relevant SOPs in advance of detailed planning for this ACDC, to include participant help guides
- GMs – prepare, present & supervise games played during the convention,
- Players – Ensure you have the correct platform software (VASSAL, TTS, etc) loaded and functional before registering for any games
- Seminar Speakers – Prepare & present content for online audience, including participant Q&A.
- Editorial Team – ensure content is captured during the event to most accurately capture the convention for follow-up articles.
- Coordinating Instructions
- The ACDC has a cost of $4/attendee for a weekend badge.
- Only ticketed attendees will be given access to the ACDC Discord server.
- Event schedule will be posted here, for you to recon before registration opens.
- All times for events are listed here in US/Eastern time, but the Tabletop.events registration site converts to your local time zone.
- YouTube streaming, including (especially!) seminars & talk shows, will be through unlisted Youtube links, with URLs provided to attendees. This will allow us to still leverage YouTube chat during the livestreams while still limiting the audience to registered attendees. Streams will be made public after the convention is finished.
- Individual event tickets are needed to play in the games, but not to watch. While we hope to stream many of the games through YouTube, many of them may only be made available to registered participants through the screen streaming function on Discord.
- All GMs will make every effort to stream their games through the Discord screen sharing, and through publicly-viewable channels (YouTube, Twitch, etc) when possible.
- ACDC Merchandise (and some new Dragoons swag!) will be available
- There is an option to print your badge, if you want it as a keepsake. Obviously, we don’t need no stinkin’ badges for an online convention.
Event submissions for the January 2025 ACDC are now open
GM’s may submit their events for scheduling, but please be sure you check out the guidelines
Service Support
- Support Concept
Armchair Dragoons will provide the scheduling & registration framework, as well as the online ‘anchor’ presence for the convention using Discord, with announcements through our site and social media channels. As the central clearinghouse for information, Armchair Dragoons will take the lead in supporting convention attendees.
- Technical Support
- Armchair Dragoons can offer limited technical support for the registration / scheduling software through the tabletop.events platform
- Armchair Dragoons makes no promises, guarantees, warranties, or assurances that the platforms used for this convention (such as TTS, or VASSAL) will load and function correctly on your individual machine.
In short: it is your responsibility to make sure your computer works with the platform for the game(s) you want to play this weekend. - Armchair Dragoons will be publishing a few “tips & tricks” guides for specific platforms, but these are in no way intended as any sort of guarantee of success nor an implied offer of universal tech support.
- Personnel
- Anyone wishing to volunteer as a GM is instructed to submit the event through the event submission link
- Anyone wishing to volunteer as a seminar speaker is instructed to contact the convention team at armchairdragoonsevents – (AT) – that ‘gmail’ thingee. Please include a draft outline of the content to be covered and include at least 2 options for times at which you can present. Note that whenever possible, we will try not to schedule multiple seminars at the same time.
- Promotions
- A bank of images is available to freely share here: banner ad (728×90) ; social media box (500×500); large banner (728×250)
- Everyone registering for/attending the ACDC is asked to share information about the convention through their social networks; the more, the merrier!
Command & Signal
- Command
- Armchair Dragoons will lead the effort, with assistance from other organizations as needed
- Questions or concerns should be communicated to armchairdragoonsevents – (AT) – that ‘gmail’ thingee
- Signal
- We will use online comms for site administration and other coordination
- All games are played online through virtual platforms like Tabletop Simulator, VASSAL, and Tabletopia.
It is the player’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate software is working on his/her own computer. - Games will operate with online voice channels, such as Steam Chat or a Discord server. The GM will communicate to the players which channel is being used, but it is the player’s responsibility to ensure the audio is appropriate for the game.
- While some GMs prefer Steam Chat for their voice comms, the priority will be the dedicated Discord Server available for that weekend for both voice and text chat
Sync Matrix
The current event list; more to be added as they are confirmed (latest update 1/17 0800 EST)
All times US Eastern time
Event Name | Type | Max# | Starts | Mins | Platform |
Hannut: France 1940 (GOSS) | Game | 10 | FRI 1200 | 360 | VASSAL |
“So, you want to create a minis game (honestly, who doesn’t)?” | Seminar | 25 | FRI 1300 | 120 | YouTube |
Raider Drop Zone Play and Demo with Designer Keith Tracton | Game | 10 | FRI 1400 | 180 | TTS |
Order & Opportunity: Making of the Post-Cold War World Order | Game | 10 | FRI 1400 | 120 | VASSAL |
New Cold War 1989-2019 VUCA Simulations | Seminar | 100 | FRI 1600 | 60 | Discord |
Queen of Spies | Game | 10 | FRI 1600 | 120 | TTS |
The Seige of Midpoint Station – Epic SciFi Ground Combat | Game | 10 | FRI 1800 | 60 | TTS |
Rebels & Patriots: Skirmishing in the American Revolution | Game | 4 | FRI 1900 | 240 | TTS |
Squadron Strike: Newton’s Cradle | Game | 3 | FRI 1900 | 120 | ASCBI.net |
Code: ATLAS | Game | 10 | FRI 2000 | 180 | TTS |
2025 ACDC Welcome Happy Hour | Seminar | 500 | FRI 2000 | 120 | YouTube |
2025 ACDC Morning Coffee – Saturday | Seminar | 50 | SAT 0800 | 60 | Discord |
Raider Drop Zone with the designer – S2: Remember the 13th! | Game | 10 | SAT 0900 | 300 | TTS |
True Command (Saturday) | Game | 2 | SAT 1000 | 120 | TTS |
Epipolae, Levy & Campaign Ancients | Game | 10 | SAT 1000 | 120 | VASSAL |
Montebello 1859 – Bloody Big Battles learning game | Game | 2 | SAT 1200 | 240 | TTS |
Oceans of Fire (Compass Games) – Guadalcanal Campaign | Game | 10 | SAT 1200 | 360 | VASSAL |
Neustart. The Blackout Simulation | Game | 5 | SAT 1200 | 180 | TTS |
Soniashnyk: Supply Chain of the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict | Seminar | 100 | SAT 1300 | 60 | YouTube |
A Forlorn Hope (WWI Trench Warfare pre-pub) | Game | 10 | SAT 1400 | 60 | TTS |
Order & Opportunity: Making of the Post-Cold War World Order | Game | 10 | SAT 1400 | 120 | VASSAL |
Robotech: Reconstruction | Game | 4 | SAT 1500 | 120 | TTS |
A Chat with Designer Keith Traction | Seminar | 500 | SAT 1500 | 120 | YouTube |
Squadron Strike: Octohedron of Death | Game | 8 | SAT 1600 | 240 | ASCBI.net |
Stalingrad Roads – demo/playthru | Game | 10 | SAT 1600 | 120 | VASSAL |
Pushing Cardboard presents Frank Davis | Seminar | 100 | SAT 1800 | 120 | YouTube |
The Chit Show – ACDC Special Edition | Seminar | 500 | SAT 2000 | 60 | YouTube |
Code: ATLAS | Game | 5 | SAT 2000 | 180 | TTS |
2025 ACDC Morning Coffee – Sunday | Seminar | 50 | SUN 0900 | 60 | Discord |
True Command (Sunday) | Game | 2 | SUN 1000 | 120 | TTS |
New Cold War 1989-2019 VUCA Simulations | Game | 10 | SUN 1100 | 120 | TTS |
Montebello 1859 – Bloody Big Battles learning game | Game | 2 | SUN 1200 | 240 | TTS |
Learn to play Pendragon (GMT COIN Series Volume VIII!) | Game | 4 | SUN 1200 | 240 | VASSAL |
Code: ATLAS | Game | 10 | SUN 1200 | 180 | TTS |
Squadron Strike: Romance of the Seven Realms | Game | 3 | SUN 1400 | 120 | ASCBI.net |
Robotech: Reconstruction | Game | 4 | SUN 1500 | 120 | TTS |
Note that ASCBI.net is a web-based platform; you’ll get the link from the GM at the start of the game.
You’ll get the convention Discord link emailed to you after you register.
Thank you for visiting the Regiment of Strategy Gaming and riding with The Armchair Dragoons.
Rather than list a bunch of social media links, the easiest thing to do is to check out our LinkTree, which connects you to all of our various locales around the web.
You can also support The Armchair Dragoons through our Patreon, and find us at a variety of conventions and other events.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.
Very impressive! I’ve never seen anything quite like this. I game 4-6 hours every day PBEM with Wargame Design Studio games, mostly horse & musket. I’ll try to watch as much as I can and perhaps be ready for the next one. Good luck!
Would have been a VERY GOOD idea to tell us WHERE this convention is taking place.
This has always been an online/virtual convention, so there is no “where”
The mission statement specifies:
The Armchair Dragoons and other friendly forces conduct ONLINE/VIRTUAL game convention operations beginning with event submission (4 November) and badge registration (approx 30 November 2024), before culminating with the execution of the Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention (The ACDC), from 17-19 January 2025.
(caps/bold added)
Commander’s intent includes the following:
The Armchair Dragoons continue their tradition of excellence in virtual wargaming event planning & execution, with our annual mid-January digital convention. We provide wargamers with a quality convention to look forward to coming out of the holiday season, and gives players an opportunity to meet, play, and congregate in another online/virtual convention.
(bold added)
Concept of the operation further specifies:
Wargaming Events: the primary activity will be wargames played through virtual tabletop systems like VASSAL, Rally The Troops, Tabletop Simulator, and Tabletopia.
(bold added)
If you’re asking about “where” online, the Coordinating Instructions specify
Only ticketed attendees will be given access to the ACDC Discord server.
(bold added)
So it’s held entirely online, using Discord to as the base of the convention, with games played on VASSAL, TTS, or other similar tools.
And finally, under “Events” we have “The ACDC”
that explains how a virtual / online / digital convention functions.