February 17, 2025

Mentioned In Dispatches Season 13 Ep 12 ~ SDHISTCON

29 November 2024 ~

Over Veteran’s Day weekend, a bunch of wargamers gathered in San Diego, where they started each morning by scraping 3 inches of sunshine off their windshields before cruising over to the Portuguese Hall for several full days of games, panels, interviews, special events, and other general frivolity at SDHISTCON.

So join Brant has he chats with Grant from Pushing Cardboard, Liz from Beyond Solitaire, and our buddy Ardwulf, about what they played, who they met & chatted with, and most importantly, about the outstanding food they ate while there.


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Podcast 1600 Splash S12
"Mentioned In Dispatches" with the Armchair Dragoons
Mentioned In Dispatches Season 13 Ep 12 ~ SDHISTCON

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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