#TuesdayNewsday is your weekly whiparound of the headlines of the strategy gaming world
Taking a look at the feedback we got from our quick-&-dirty poll about Tuesday Newsday last week

Finally, when we asked for some open feedback – “What would you like to see us do different (if anything)?” – we got a bunch of variations of “keep up the good work” and a bunch of “nope”s and a couple along the lines of “quit complaining that news drops right after you post”1.
Someone recommended that we start to include info about the digital releases for things like VASSAL or TTS, which means we’d need to find someone who keeps up with such things to help us out.
While the pros/practitioners was a “least favorite” for a lot of you, several open-ended comments noted that they picked that one just because they had to pick something, and another respondent thought that our coverage of that community was tantamount to warmongering (though we’re not really sure we see the connection…) It’s a community we think is important an hope to continue to serve.
Last week, we asked folks in our forums about “What events to add” to Twilight Struggle, focusing mainly on ones that never happened, but could have. Well, once we pointed social media to that thread, Dr Witcz (Robotech Reconstruction) joined the fray. And then Jason Matthews chimed in, too, which kind of seems like cheating….
New games released in the past week that you’ll find interesting
- Wargames Illustrated #426, June 2023, is now shipping
- Compass hasn’t moved 2040: An American Insurgency to the “recent releases” column on their site, but the product page no longer says “pre-order” and instead lets you “add to cart”
- Thanks to the guys over at SDHIST, Sebastian Bae’s FREE microgame Call Sign is available for a print-&-play download
- Death From Above is a new early access game on Steam, about flying a Ukrainian drone during the current conflict; we’re mostly certain it’s not an Ender’s Game situation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- A couple of new “star ranger” figs from Alternative Armies
- The T’reo School of Martial Magic from Steve Jackson is a mage-focused TFT supplement
- Remember when you thought 64-crayon box of colors was cool, and then you saw that one kid in class that had the 128-color box, just to one-up everyone? That’s how you’re going to feel when you drop almost $500 on the complete – and we do mean complete – set of Army Painter Speedpaints
- And if you want just the metallics, they’ll set you back less than a nice dinner date
- The last of the Berlin German series of late-war models are now released for Flames of War
Crowdfunding or pre-orders ~ if you can pre-order it now, here it is
- As noted in our forums, Littoral Commander: The Baltic is officially opened for pre-orders
- Go Ahead Punk! is obviously inspired by 70s-era cop dramas, and is on Kickstarter right now
- CSL has their 2022: Ukraine game on pre-order with an alleged shipping date of early July
- Draco Ideas has the 3rd ed of 2GM Tactics, their WW2 card game, on pre-order right now
- Tales from the Lone-Lands is on pre-order at Free League (for The One Ring RPG)
- Warlord Games has a bunch of WW2 weapons teams on pre-order for Bolt Action
- Last week’s GMT Monthly Update included a bunch of new p500s and some reprints/component upgrades
Stretch your budget a little further with these deals
- WOW! 😱 –
giant sale on Point Blank – V Is For Victory at LNLP right now as it’s 50%UPDATE, the sale has been changed to the companion book, not the base game, which is what we saw this morning - Graviteam Tactics: Don Bend is on sale on Steam right now
- Draco Ideas (the ONUS! guys) have a new tray insert (it’s a counter tray), and you can get a free tray, plus both a plastic and cardboard box for cards, when you place any order through their store, with coupon code MyGift at checkout
- Noble Knight has We Are Coming Nineveh at $15 off right now
- Legion Wargames has Blenheim 1704 on sale for $40
- Miniature Market has the Levee En Masse: Deluxe Edition at almost 25% off
- Bundle of Holding has a big Girl Genius collection right now for all you Foglio fans
- A whole bunch of stuff from Slitherine & Matrix on sale through the Epic Games store right now
- S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is Modern War #7 with Vietnam Battles: Snoopy’s Nose & Iron Triangle
What were the Dragoons up to this past week?
- Saturday Night Fights ~ The Battle of Aspern-Essling for “Valour and Fortitude”
- This week’s Origins Preview ~ Consolidated Wargame Event Grid
- This week’s classic article ~ Don’t Be An Ass
- FL(W)GS Spotlight ~ Gator’s Games and Hobby in Leavenworth, KS
- The Giant Civ 6 AAR: Nubia, Part 18
- The Grand “Champions of Krynn” AAR ~ Part Six
- Gameplay this week
- This week in our forums
- Upcoming Dragoons Events (and don’t forget to check the event calendar for everything else)
- Wargame Days at The Gamer’s Armory in Cary, NC ~ 4 June and 2 July
- Next #UnboxingDay2 will be 15 June
- Next virtual event is The 2024 ACDC, 12-14 January 2024
- Next Real-World Convention is ORIGINS in Columbus, OH, from 21-25 June, and here’s our discussion thread
Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.
- 9-11 June No Quarter Con (Plano, TX)
- 21-25 June ORIGINS (Columbus, OH) and our discussion thread
- 23-25 June WarGamesCon (Austin, TX)
- 7-9 July Human Wave (Washington, DC)
- 19-23 July Historicon (Lancaster, PA)
- 22-30 July WBC (Seven Springs, PA)
- 3-6 August GenCon (Indianapolis, IN)
- 17-20 August HistoriKC Fest (Kansas City, MO)
- 18-20 August SDHistEast (Portsmouth, RI)
- 20-22 October The Inaugural Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023 (Cary, NC)
As announced on our podcast on 3/31
The Inaugural Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023
20-22 October 2023
The Gamer’s Armory, Cary NC
Details will be announced after we get back from Buckeye Game Fest, and registration will open this Summer before we head off to Origins, and will be capped around 40 or so attendees.
In partnership with The Gamer’s Armory, we’ve got our first in-person convention coming up in October, where we’ll be taking over about half of the store. We’ll be playing games in probably the biggest vendor booth you’ll see at a convention, and making plenty of new friends.
Stay tuned for details!
As a reminder, Regimental Patron-level Patreon supporters get a free badge for all Armchair Dragoons-hosted events.
Our fellow content creators from the wargaming world
- Rocky takes a dive into the JCC’s of Littoral Commander
- Moe digs into the new In Country modern combat game
- My Own Worst Enemy tackles the next turn Triumph & Tragedy
- Hethwill talks about the games that drive sales; are they an indicator of what we “care” about?
- Ardwulf’s counter clipping stream took the holiday weekend off, but will be back with EYWTKAWBWATA tonight
News & notes from the business end of the gaming world
- Avalanche Press has an article about the “river marines” in their latest Panzer Grenadier playbook
- Wargame Design Studio has updated their Musket & Pike engine
These rather mysterious pictures fill me with joy – it means that five complimentary copies of Votes for Women have found their way to a game store in Tehran. pic.twitter.com/XSmriDGe2C
— Fort Circle Games (@fortcircle) May 30, 2023
Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.
- First recommendations following the recent Taiwan wargames are starting to make their way to Congress
- Re-org coming among the French military intelligence community
- How do you stat out captured & re-engineered obsolete armored vehicles?
- The next GUWS webinar is June 7, Kay Schrier talks about Designing Games for Empathy and Compassion and the Influence Wargaming Handbook is right behind that on 13 June
- Connections UK registration is open; it’s 5-7 September over at Sandhurst
Something neat from outside the wargaming world we thought was worth sharing
What a time capsule here from MTV, and their Sex in the 90s series, with a couple of guys that really seem like the pre-cursors to Jersey Shore.
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.