January 23, 2025

Ardwulf’s Lair Hits 15 Years – #TuesdayNewsday 10/11/22

Each week, #TuesdayNewsday’s trip around the strategy gaming headlines keeps you current on what matters


ArdwulfYes, Gary’s channel has now hit puberty.  Doesn’t mean it’s growing up or maturing or any of that, because, well…  🤷🏼‍♂️
But hey, it’s an awesome milestone and we’re thrilled to count Ardwulf as a Friend of the Dragoons™ and he deserves all those plaudits for building a great channel over all these years.

Congrats to Ardwulf!


Registration is open for the Connections Online Showcase

October 19th will be a one-day, all-day Connections Online project showcase for professional/practitioner game design.  Each presentation will run 90-120 minutes and focus on a single use case of a game designed or adapted to professional military/natsec usage, including deep dives into the objectives/purposes, designs, mechanics, execution, and lessons learned from both the prep and conduct of the games.


  • This event is currently projected to run over 12 hours, as it’ll all be single-threaded (ie, no sessions overlapping with each other)
  • Registration is open!
  • Sessions will be broadcast through YouTube live for registered participants to interact with the presenters
  • Sessions will be made public for viewing after the completion of the showcase and an editorial review by the staff
Confirmed Presentations

  • Brian Train’s urban Kriegspiel for the 40th ID Urban Warfare Planners’ Course
  • GUWS member Matt Kirchman on A Splendid Failure(Reconstruction in post-ACW US)
  • GUWS member Andrew Olson on the Competition AI wargame design
  • SAMS Student Dan Warner on Decisive Operations and incorporating that into the curriculum there
  • SAMS instructor Eric Price on integrating ROOT into professional military curricula
  • UKFC’s Take That Hill
  • Roger Mason and wargaming active shooter responses

















We’ve also got a 4X-specific area in the forums to discuss any of these, too.

  • Releasing today is Ozymandias, a “fast-paced 4x Bronze Age Sim”.  (You can watch the trailer here.)  Developed by The Secret Games Company, Ozymandias appears to be exactly to as described in the tagline: a light, easy-to-play 4x designed to allow players to conquer the Bronze Age world in a single session.
  • After seven (eight?) years in development, developer Rhombus Studios and publisher Iceberg Interactive have finally launched Lord of Rigel onto Steam Early Access.  (You can watch the trailer here.)  While the game is a bit rough in its current form, we’re definitely intrigued by its premise, which is that of a younger race taking its first steps into a galaxy divided between — and dominated by — two Elder races.  (Goodness no, that doesn’t remind me of anything, Mr. Straczynski!  I can’t imagine why you’d ask…)
  • Old World, the Antiquities-era historical 4x from Mohawk Games, received another patch this past week (link).  A few of the more notable changes in this update are AI and performance improvements, rebalance work to Ambitions, and units will now enjoy greater movement benefits when inside allied territory.
  • Perhaps the most interesting news from this past week is the release of a major new patch (version 1.5) for Emperor of the Fading Suns — a game that came out back in 1997.  (For context, that’s a good 25 years ago at the time of this news release!)  Assembled and tested by the original developers themselves (Holistic Design), this new patch adds improvements to nearly all aspects of the game, including an enhanced map editor, improved modding capabilities, streamlined interface elements, and enhancing the role of religious sects — to name but a few.  (You can read the full changelog here, while a video tutorial of the new patch featuring the developers can be viewed here.)  Given the near-cult status EotFS enjoys among some folks, this new patch has definitely caused a certain amount of excitement.



  • Some interesting thoughts on Kickstarters and crowdfunding and “fake” funding goals from an industry insider
  • GMT’s got a charging & shipping update that basically says it’s all going to get shipped in the next 2 weeks
  • There are shenanigans afoot, as Renegade has a cut a licensing deal with Hasbro for new editions of Axis & Allies and RoboRally and Diplomacy, and….  Squad Leader?  The social media replies from Renegade pretty much confirm they’re doing something with Squad Leader, too and that it wasn’t just a casual throw-in name



Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.


Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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