7 October 2022 ~
Connections Online Chairman Chris Weuve is back to talk about our next professional wargaming event being cosponsored with the Armchair Dragoons – the Connections Online Showcase. This special one-day event is an all-day deep dive into specific use cases of individual wargames in the professional space. Joining us for this discussion is long-time professional wargamer and MORS1 wargame instructor/podcaster Ed McGrady.
Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.
Along the way, we talk about “accuracy” vs “precision” and whether something needs to be “realistic” or just “fit to purpose” as well as how wide a net you need to cast when examining an operational scenario. What keeps people coming back to Connections? Is there always an opponent in a wargame? And why was Ed at a hackers’ conference? Oh, and here are a few references for you
- The Maersk Shipping Hack
- The main Connections site
- Connections Online master page
- Military Operations Research Society
- Perla’s Cycle of Research
- Steam & Steel
Please trot on over to the iTunes page for our podcast and give us a rating – whatever you think is fair!
We’re still a few reviews short of iTunes recommending us in their podcast engine, and every rating helps. Thanks!
Thank you for joining us for Mentioned in Dispatches and checking out the official podcast of The Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
You can also find our regiment’s social media on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. (We have an Instagram page and we never use it.) We have our Patreon, where you can support The Armchair Dragoons activities and maybe get name-checked on the podcast, too!
Feel free to talk back to us either in our site forums, or in the discussion area below.