2 June 2023
And you thought we were done for the Summer1 but then The Wargaming Company popped up with some very snazzy new 10mm Napoleonic minis and we reconvened to talk with David Ensteness about them and what the rollout plan is.
Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.
So let’s enjoy our guy Cyrano geeking out of some new toys, and trying to figure out how to avoid the arts-&-crafts of the hobby while still getting to play with these remarkable new figures. Let’s also enjoy David explaining the trial and error process of learning the ways to manufacture these figures, with a remarkably candid look inside the production side of this industry. And then let’s all take a break so our guys can focus on Origins and get back to you in the Fall.
click the images below to really zoom in and get a detailed look at these new minis, and let us know when you spot the horizontal pockets.
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We’re still a few reviews short of iTunes recommending us in their podcast engine, and every rating helps. Thanks!
Thank you for joining us for Mentioned in Dispatches and checking out the official podcast of The Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
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