There’s been many facets of public life that have been touched lately by discussions of diversity and representation in different spheres of public life, and gaming has been no different. From the cancelation of Origins Online to the Twitter mob stalking designer Eric Lang to GAMA’s comms director quitting to the Diana Jones Awards at GenCon, there’s been a non-stop list of game-industry headlines all summer long.
Enter, The Derby House Principles, promoting diversity & inclusion in professional wargaming. Focused on the practitioner community that designs, executes, evaluates, and teaches the art & science of wargaming in the realms of defense & security policy, national defense, emergency preparedness, and the intelligence communities, the Derby House Principles have been endorsed by a wide array of government and government-adjacent organizations.
While the professional wargaming community is not our focus, it is still an area of interest for much of our audience. Some of The Dragoons have worked in both the hobby and professional communities, and some professionals will look to hobby sites like us for information on the current practices of the hobby community, or creative approaches to wargaming events.
With that in mind, we reached out to some folks in the professional wargaming world who were well-positioned to discuss and describe not only their own experiences as under-represented minorities in professional wargaming, but also their thoughts on the operationalization of the Derby House Principles. While neither were officially representing any agency or organization, both Yuna Wong and Sally Davis were have long resumes of experience in the professional wargaming world and their insights made for a fascinating podcast. Rex Brynen also stops by at the start of the episode to discuss the genesis of the principles and their initial spread among the professional community.
This is a pretty long episode folks – well over an hour – but we didn’t want to cut the discussion short.
As always, thanks for listening 🙂
For a consolidated list of the professional-focused podcasts, see this thread in our forums
You can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.
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I welcome great ideas and actions which preserve our constitution and this nation regardless of their source … I salute, respect and thank ALL defenders of our constitution/nation.