February 10, 2025

Mentioned in Dispatches Season 9 Ep 9 ~ Catastrophe Games & Small Press Publishers

4 November 2022

We’re joined this week by Tim Densham of Catastrophe Games, as we discuss his company, their recent games, what’s coming up, and the lessons he’s learned as a publisher over the last few years.

Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.

So let’s talk about Gallipoli, and playing the entire Eastern Front in one sitting, and the history behind the games, and why they’re not all “wargames” but rather “historical games”.  Tim explains how his experiences working with Academy Games helped shape his business approach, and how his deployments to Afghanistan helped shape the design of Zurmat and let’s all make fun of how bad at the business side of things Brant was.  Oh yeah, and Tim needs some graphics / arts folks, so if that’s your thing, shoot him a line!


Please trot on over to the iTunes page for our podcast and give us a rating – whatever you think is fair!
We’re still a few reviews short of iTunes recommending us in their podcast engine, and every rating helps.  Thanks!

Thank you for joining us for  Mentioned in Dispatches and checking out the official podcast of The Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
You can also find our regiment’s social media on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  (We have an Instagram page and we never use it.)  We have our Patreon, where you can support The Armchair Dragoons activities and maybe get name-checked on the podcast, too!
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Mentioned In Dispatches
Mentioned in Dispatches Season 9 Ep 9 ~ Catastrophe Games & Small Press Publishers

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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