February 18, 2025

Mentioned In Dispatches – Season 6 Ep 4 – The Seinfeld Episode

19 February 2021 ~

Yes, we woke Bawb up and ruined his hot chocolate to join us for a podcast episode about absolutely nothing.  Yep, not a damn thing.  Well, other than Vuca Sims new games, errata counters in magazines, trouble getting VASSAL started up, game design work you don’t get see, daily content diamonds unearthed from Avalanche Press, how Bawb won the lotto by not using any of the numbers his wife gave him, hot-seat Civ games & staying up ’til dawn, Velker’s immaculate die rolling, and why Mike gave up on Blitz! A World in Conflict

Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.

And we completely made up at least one of those topics in the previous statement, but you’re going to have to listen to the podcast to find out which one.  Meanwhile, just grab a pint of ale or a wee dram of something stronger, and enjoy some friends talking about wargames as though they were all hanging out at the pub together.

If you get a chance, please go hit the iTunes page for our podcast and give us a rating – whatever you think is fair!  We need some more reviews before iTunes will start recommending us in their podcast engine, so every rating helps!

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Mentioned In Dispatches
Mentioned In Dispatches - Season 6 Ep 4 - The Seinfeld Episode

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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