Every week, #TuesdayNewsday gives you a digest of what’s important in the strategy gaming world >>>
This Week’s Headline:
The Armchair Dragoons have had a busy September so far!
- Brant is presenting tonight to the Georgetown University Wargaming Society at 6pm EDT. The event is free but you do need to register.

- Also, RockyMountainNavy was nominated for a Charles S Roberts Award for his article on our site about the Fifth Corps/Central Front series, comparing the game to the US Army doctrine of the time. Go vote!
- And the Armchair Dragoons pulled out a victory in the inaugural Sail & Shot tournament, thanks to the fine seamanship of Dr Peter Perla, the debonair leadership of our man Tolstoi, and the cannonball magnetism of McGuire!
Ultimately, @ADragoons triumphed with superior naval gunnery and a dash of luck. Best quote was by the venerable Peter Perla, “I crossed your T!”
A @ADragoons teammate responded, “I’m honored you crossed my T!”
— Sebastian Bae (@SebastianBae) September 4, 2021
Newly Released This Week:
- The long-awaited Horse & Musket IV: Tides of Revolution has escaped into the wild. This expansion requires Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era to play, but you like Hollandspiele anyway, so what’s an extra game purchase, eh?
- Microgame Design Group have released The Final Frontier and players get to race into space & settle and/or exploit the solar system.
- Avalanche Press has released the 2nd edition of Eastern Fleet for their SWWAS series, covering the Royal Navy in the PTO.
- Airfix & Warlord have a Blood Red Skies bundle for you to get started on air combat gaming, with the rules / tokens for a Battle of Britain campaign, and 4x 1:72 scale aircraft: 2x Spitfires and 2x Bf109s
- Steve Jackson Games are shipping the reprint of their Random Fun Generator book of dice games.
- Plastic Soldier Company has some pretty neat NORTHAG recon minis with a patrol of Fox armored cars.
- Ares Games are handling English-language distribution of Nuts! Publishing’s Mini Rogue dungeon crawler.
On Sale This Week:
- Compass Games has restocked both The War: The Pacific, 1941-1945 and The War: Europe 1939-1945 and have knocked $30+ off the price right now (see This Week with the Dragoons, below)
- Decision Games’ deal of the month is a sale on game-edition back issues of their magazines. You can get 4 games for $99, or 9 for $199.
- Fanatical has their new Humankind on sale at 10% off right now.
- Paradox has the entire Surviving Mars catalog on sale right now to coincide with their latest DLC release.
Newly Launched This Week:
- Worthington Games have FINALLY returned to their Band of Brothers series of games, with Old Breed South Pacific on Kickstarter now. They’re over 500% funded as of now.
- The guys behind the Secrets of Blackmoor documentary are now jumping into game publishing, with their naval wargame, North Cape, up on Kickstarter right now.
- 40mm is an odd scale for minis wargaming, but these Great Northern War figures look pretty cool, so we’ll allow it.
- Warlord Games are taking pre-orders on their October Supply Drop Box with a haul of Soviet minis for you.
- GMT has their own 18xx rail-building game, 18 India, up on p500 now.
- Metal. Space. Dice. Now on Kickstarter.
- Don’t forget! LNLP’s Point Blank: V for Victory wraps up tomorrow, so get your last-minute pledges in now!
This Week With The Armchair Dragoons:
- Saturday Night Fights went back to Project: Quatre Bras with the Bloody Big Battles rule system.
- My Own Worst Enemy cracked the lid on The War: The Pacific 1941-1945 (see sale info above)
- This week’s classic article looked back at the evolution of wargame counters from the 19th century.
- Mentioned in Dispatches will be back in about 2 weeks.
- Other online games with the Armchair Dragoons
- Still looking for playtesters and (especially!) TTS-savvy mod’ers to help out with the Triple Letter Campaigns build going on.
- Barthheart tried to break Chain of Command.
- A big-ol’ game of C&C: Ancients.
News From The Wargame Industry:
- Battlefront minis are still dealing with COVID lockdowns in Malaysia & New Zealand, and so are limited in what’s shipping as well as online content they’re releasing.
- Warlord have released some ‘experimental’ rules for aircraft in their Bolt Action games.
- Lord of the Rings joins the Magic: The Gathering multiverse.
- This week on Twitter, Frédéric Serval is looking for votes for his next book in the “Wargame Book Club”
- No, that’s not a typo on the right. It’s also not a real price. You can only use “medals” to get it (reward points, basically) and have to bundle it with at least one other paid item from Warlord Games.
Something From Our Partners:
- RMN is on a quest for the ‘best’ game to play out some Hammer’s Slammers campaigns. And now we need to go dig up the books to re-read them again.
- Ardwulf’s and NEH talked about Block Wargames last week. His counter-clipping stream was a bit wonky this week, but you can watch it here, as he discusses “under-rated wargame publishers”
- Moe took a look inside War Diary magazine game The Day is Ours.
- Solosaurus is Nomosaurus?
The Professional & Practitioner Wargaming World:
Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.
- Connections UK is next week!
- Connections OZ is in December!
- Want to learn about the development of professional wargaming in China? Sure you do!
- Latter-day Ghurkas? Are Afghan commandos being given a chance to join the UK army?
- UK Fight Club is looking for players to join in Operation Balaclava.
- You have to register to read the Frost & Sullivan article about Global Commercial Gaming in Defense Training and Simulation Growth Opportunities, 2021, but from the business side, it’s an interesting look at where the market is going in the defense business.
- This week, GUWS has Brant talking about the hobby/pro wargaming intersection and next week, they’ve got a talk about Educational Wargaming at the German Command & Staff College, but starting at Noon EDT instead of in the evening.
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.