February 15, 2025

#UnboxingDay ~ Band of Brothers: Texas Arrows by Worthington Games

Billy Riley, 20 January 2022 ~ #UnboxingDay

I have Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles and Band of Brothers: Ghost Panzers – so buying Texas Arrows was not really a hard decision. I haven’t played the other two much but what I did play I liked…and I especially loved the artwork. I see they do an Old Breed game too – so I’ll be looking for that in the future at some point.

Texas Arrows is an expansion and you need both Screaming Eagles and Ghost Panzers in order to play all 12 scenarios (yep – there are 12 in the box).

Box Art


Standard box art from the company. Whomever their artist is, I approve


click images to enlarge

Box – Rear


Some blurb on the game, example counters and images of the two small maps included



It’s a 20 page rule book and from what I can see, it’s the rulebook for the series (version 2.1)…presumably with updates included since last print. One of the attractions of the game is the smallish rule book – and the back of the box lists the game as a level 3 difficulty out of 10.



For an addon, I was surprised at the number of counter sheets. Three sheets with 270 counters in total.


Player Aid Cards

There are 2 double sided Player Aid cards. The first side seems to have some specific rules for reference and the other side has terrain and situation modifiers.


Scenario Booklet

There are 12 scenarios packed into the booklet



The game comes with two small maps – though they are duplicated. Two are on card stock and two are cardboard (mounted). I don’t know why that is – perhaps they provided updates for their previous games for you to buy the mounted versions and they’ve included them here for consistency…which I think is a nice thing…and also makes you want to go back and buy the mounted maps for the others – so a good selling tactic (if indeed that’s what occurred – I don’t know).


Counter Box


This is a first. I’ve seen baggies provided – but an actual counter tray? Very nice touch…and a box to fit everything into (including the counter tray – are you listening GMT?)


Not a bad amount of content for €35

Thanks for joining this month’s #UnboxingDay with the Armchair Dragoons and we hope you enjoyed our recon of our recent acquisitions.  You can always leave us your feedback in our #UnboxingDay thread, or in the comment area on this article, below.
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