February 10, 2025

#UnboxingDay ~ Men Of War by Art of Wargaming

Brant Guillory, 15 December 2022 ~ #UnboxingDay

Moe gets the blame for this one.  From the time he posted his preview video to the order being placed online was about 11.8 seconds. We’ve talked about the Rhodesian bush war before, with both a book review and an extended playthru of one of the other games.

So here comes a very tactical, firefight-focused shootout system for you.  No politics, or peace treaties anywhere in sight.

Front & back of the book, which is basically the front & back of a box

click images to enlarge



Company info, which curiously omits a website, and good luck finding one anywhere.



Not a ton of pages are dedicated to the rules, while over 2/3 of the book covers the mission cards, maps, counters, etc


The rules are a basic 2-column layout with illustrations as needed



Terrain effects chart, inside the book.  You’ll need to warm up the photocopier, or be prepared to cut things up



A mission card showing the friendly/enemy units, maps, special rules, typos, etc



Tracking card for the scenario, with the combat damage, and other necessary checkboxes


The counters are functional, but the icon artwork looks like it was done on a 72dpi printer in 1993. They’re also small since the maps in the back of the book aren’t that big, either.  You’ll probably want to blow up both the maps & counters before the arts-&-crafts project of assembling them.


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The maps are simple, functional, and representative terrain rather than specific historical sites.


Overall, there’s a bit of a “some assembly required” vibe, which is fine, since you know that going into the purchase.  But it would be nice to have access to a PDF version also, to allow you to reprint & re-scale the game components to the size you’d prefer when playing your games.


Thanks for joining this month’s #UnboxingDay with the Armchair Dragoons and we hope you enjoyed a look under our hoods!  You can always leave us your feedback in our #UnboxingDay thread, or in the comment area on this article, below.
You can find our regiment’s social media on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  (We have an Instagram page and we never use it.)  We also have our Patreon, where you can support The Armchair Dragoons activities.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.

Want to contribute to next month’s #UnboxingDay? Drop us a line in the #UnboxingDay thread in the forum and let us know

Brant G

Editor-in-chief at Armchair Dragoons

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