January 22, 2025

#UnboxingDay! The British Way

Brant Guillory, 20 July 2023 ~ #UnboxingDay

One of the great things about working with Enterprise Games at Origins is that you can ask Don to bring something to the show for you, and save the shipping costs, and you might even get it before it gets to everyone else’s store shelves, too.  Such was my acquisition last month of The British Way.

Unbox BritWay 3928980

click images to enlarge

Unbox BritWay 3939599

The usual boxiness


Unbox BritWay 4149465

There’s a lot in here.  There 2 mounted, double-sided boards, separate rulebooks and player cards for each game, and a lot of cards.  Given that even some of the counters are game-specific, the only real shared components here are the actual wooden pieces.


Here are a couple of the specific games within the box, with a map, identical 2-sided player cards, unique card deck and rulebook, and a card to explain the propaganda rounds for that specific game.


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The campaign book and campaign player mat that tracks events across the globe.


The playing pieces


Unbox britWayBK 111056

The differences in the game-specific rulebook and the campaign book, which has a wide range of background info, too.


The individual game rules include a diagram of the setup on the back cover, examples of play, and a card manifest.


The campaign book includes the rules about playing through the campaign, as well as extended narrative background information (that could really use some illustrations, pull-quotes, spaces, or pretty much anything), and a decent bibliography.

Given how quickly the individual games are supposed to play, it’ll be nice to get this to the table soon.


Thanks for joining this month’s #UnboxingDay with the Armchair Dragoons and we hope you enjoyed a look under our hoods!  You can always leave us your feedback in our #UnboxingDay thread, or in the comment area on this article, below.
You can find our regiment’s social media on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  (We have an Instagram page and we never use it.)  We also have our Patreon, where you can support The Armchair Dragoons activities.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.

Want to contribute to next month’s #UnboxingDay? Drop us a line in the #UnboxingDay thread in the forum and let us know

With trembling hands and eager zeal,
I unbox a wargame with great appeal.
Countless components I behold,
Strategies yet to unfold,
In this box, a battlefield surreal!

Brant G

Editor-in-chief at Armchair Dragoons

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