January 23, 2025

Tuesday Newsday – 5 May 2020 – BGG Awards

Yep, it’s #TuesdayNewsday and here come some more wargaming updates  >>>

This Week’s Headline:

BoardGameGeek announced the winners of this year’s Golden Geek Awards, and while Wingspan swept most of the categories (including “strategy game”?), it was Friend-of-the-Dragoons David Thompson who won the Wargame category with Undaunted: Normandy

Interestingly enough, a pair of wargames came through in 2nd and 3rd place in the two-player game category

Newly Released This Week:

  • The nominations are open for the resurrected Charles S Roberts awards.  It’s been a few years, but they’re back.  Looks like it’s mostly a popularity contest, but at least it’s something.  One of these days, our regiment will get organized enough to launch a legit prestige award.
  • Maybe not this week, but LNLP has the Days of Villainy expansion for the LNLT-Digital game imminently available on Steam

Newly Launched This Week:

  • Polyhedral Dice Advent Calendars – get the orders in now so they’re ready before the holidays. These are from Black Oak Workshop, whose owner – Craig Zipse – is the hardest-working dude at Origins every year.
  • There’s still time to pre-order the upgraded/boxed version of HârnMaster from Columbia thru Kickstarter
  • Canvas Temple Publishing is about to launch their solitaire Stalingrad game, but the campaign is not yet live as of press time.


New from the Dragoons:


News From The Wargame Industry:

  • GenCon is delaying the rollout of registration and scheduling, but still seem committed to trying to launch on schedule.  They’re “monitoring” the situation, which might be code for “waiting for someone to shut us down so we can legally get out from under our deposits with minimal damage”
  • Hasbro & Carta Mundi are manufacturing medical protective equipment.  Here’s a news story about it.
  • Decision Games’ deal of the month includes a Desert Fox / RAF deluxe bundle that’s about $50 off
  • GMT Games is going to stagger their p500 charges / releases once they’re allowed to reopen the office & warehouse so that folks don’t get mauled by a bunch of charges all at once.
  • Pacific Rim Publishing found some old copies of the SPI StarGate ziplock game and are selling them at $15 each
  • Want something fun and/or a bit goofy to ready?  Greywater Chronicles is a digital comic book with painted minis photographed for the panel art


The Professional Wargaming World:


Something From Our Partners:


This Week’s Mashup:

Our new weekly feature, a fun mashup of music to sink your teeth into.

This week? A more ominous and slow tune.  One comment on this video said it’s “the song that plays when Shrek has Vietnam flashbacks”

Something goofier next week – promise!


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.


We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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