Each week, #TuesdayNewsday does the rounds of the strategy gaming world to unearth what’s important
Connections Online will be in full swing by this time next week (18-24 April 2022) with the Core Events being held 19-21 April from 10am-4pm EST. As the Armchair Dragoons are the co-sponsors of this event, we’ve been providing regular1 updates.
Core events are set and the full schedule can be seen here.
Some relevant details:
- Registration is still available
- All Core Events will be streamed through YouTube, but using unlisted URLs, which will limit live interaction to registered attendees.
After Connections is over, streams will be made public. Some – but not all – Extended Events will be streamed. - Want to know more about Connections Online? Brant had a chat with Ardwulf’s Lair to discuss this year’s conference
MMP’s shipping Race to Bastogne to pre-order customers so it should be available to the public imminently
- Per some posts around teh interwebz, White Dog should be shipping Irish Freedom starting yesterday
- Canvas Temple released a ziploc expansion to Admiral’s War
- VUCA Sims’ Operation Theseus – Gazala 1942 is now available; ignore the fact that the URL has a different game title
- PSC have some new HYW mounted archer minis
- Ares Games released First They Came, an RPG set in WW2-era Berlin
- Matrix Games has WH40K Battlesector products on sale, up to 35% off, this week
- Worthington has Enemies of Rome marked down from $75 to $25
- Humble Bundle has a “complete” package for For Honor at 75% off right now
- Melee (not the Steve Jackson Game) is on sale a Miniature Market this week for $16
- A massive ‘starter’ kit for Warlord’s Black Powder Epic Battles – containing all 3 armies – is now on pre-order, for a monthly paycheck as some jobs, and still about half the cost of one game from TKC
- LA PRIMOGENITA – 1941 East African Campaign from Legion Wargames on pre-order
- Werckland Run is a Mad Max-style road rage game in the same vein as Warp’s Edge, now on Gamefound
- Party’s dead? Doesn’t mean the adventure is over! In Hereafter you can keep right on RPG’ing your way through the afterlife
- For the two of you out there who like Star Trek: Discovery2, Modiphius has a campaign guide for their Star Trek Adventures RPG
- Robotech Macross Dogfight minis game is up on Kickstarter
- SJG has a couple of mini adventures for The Fantasy Trip on Kickstarter right now
- Saturday Night Fights ~ The Battle of Antietam for “Bloody Big Battles”
- My Own Worst Enemy ~ Battle Hymn Volume One – Pea Ridge Part 3
- Mentioned in Dispatches wrapped up Buckeye Game Fest
- Upcoming Dragoons Events
- Next Virtual Convention is RIGHT NOW! Connections Online, 19-21 April 2022
- Next Real-World Convention is Origins, 8-12 June 2022
- Next #UnboxingDay is 21 April (yes, this week during Connections Online)
- Last Ditch at Rauray for “Chain of Command”
- The Highly-Not-Official S.P.I. 30 Years War Quad TOURNAMENT II
- The game reports continue to roll in from the Blood Bowl tournament
- Compass Games has opened registration for Compass Games Expo, taking place in November
- From their most recent email newsletter, it sounds like CSL have secured a new printing option, following their departure from Blue Panther, but it might be worth waiting a few weeks to start ordering while they smooth out the edges of the new process
- A neat article from Avalanche Press about German jets in their SWWAS series of games
- Battlefront Minis announced that Historicon 2022 will be the national tournaments for both Team Yankee and Flames of War
- Catastrophe Games has a bunch of their games on print-&-play through itch.io
- This week in our forums
- One of our Dragoons is helping design & develop a new game for DVG, B-52 Leader
- Custoza is getting some chatter
- Rocky is looking at an actual wargame engagement coming out of the war in Ukraine, given the usage of the Moskva as a missile magnet
- Some CSW chatter about the Modern Battles quads and their unofficial descendants and Gary is already figuring out how to play them all at Buckeye Game Fest
- Origins 2022 discussion on BGG, which right now centers around the screwups with their hotel blocks
- Not wargame-related, directly, but this is a great thread about your local military museums and how to help keep them viable
Great American military museums include the likes of the @TheWWImuseum, @WWIImuseum, @USArmyMuseum, @NavalMuseum, @USMCMuseum…
The biggies. I see you post pictures when you visit. Love it. It warms my heart to see people link material culture to military theory and doctrine! 5/ pic.twitter.com/AHUrCA3mN4
— Nikki Dean (@doctrinatrix_C2) April 14, 2022
- Rocky threw in the towel on Luftwaffe 1946
- Moe took a look at The Kokoda Campaign from the WW2 PTO
- A playthrough of the new BCS Arracourt from The General’s Retreat on YouTube
- Ardwulf’s counter clipping stream talked about hitting 5000 subscribers, and potholes, and counter clippers, and even Connections Online(!), but NOT Eggmuhl.
We’ve also got a 4X-specific area in the forums to discuss any of these, too.
- For those who haven’t heard about it, there’s still time to get your pledge in for the Kickstarter campaign for Aldarra. Aldarra is designed as a fast-paced, combat-oriented fantasy 4x with tons of minis and lots of dice-rolling.
- Update #30 has dropped for Medieval Kingdom Wars, the real-time grand-strategy game from developer Reverie World Studios. The update includes a lot of rebalancing work to campaign gameplay, improvements to AI difficulty & balancing, and streamlining the tutorial to help ease in new player
Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.
- UKR’s tank reserves are now shifting to the offensive
- US Army vehicle design learning lessons from Ukraine conflict
- UK Fight Club is showing off an upcoming space warfare game, Sweeping Satellites
- The next GUWS webinar is Racing with the Devil: The Evolving Simulation of the Boyd Decision Cycle on Tuesday3 and they’ve also got Determining Morale in Wargames coming in May
- “Breakthrough thinking” in serious games, from PaxSims
- Get hired!
- PaxSims shared a position with Aimpoint in Columbus, OH for a wargame analyst
- Assistant Wagaming Fellow at NDU’s CASL in DC
- Another Assistant Wagaming Fellow at NDU’s CASL in DC (yes, it’s 2 different listings)
- And yes, CNA is still hiring a Research Analyst for wargaming after sending out the announcement last week
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.