February 18, 2025

Awards, Everywhere! – #TuesdayNewsday 10/18/22

Every week, #TuesdayNewsday is the intel update you need to stay on top of the strategy gaming world


So what would have been the lead story about wargaming awards would have been the announcement from History on the Table that there’s a new Historical Board Game Award program.  Built following almost the exact template of the awards program we were hoping to get off the ground back in 2020, these new awards were looking to fill the void that the Charlies seemed intent on leaving in the middle of the wargaming world as one of the “prestige” awards

But noooooo….

Because Ardwulf went and upstaged the entire wargaming world, as he’s now taken over as the Director of the Charles S Roberts Awards, which is going to dramatically cut into his ability to join us on a 2-hour extended rant of a podcast about the awards.  The press release opened up with

New Awards Director, Gary Mengle (a/k/a “Ardwulf”) for Charles S. Roberts Awards for Excellence in the Conflict Simulation Industry (“CSR Awards”)

Several of you are probably asking: “What happened to the Charlies?” “Wasn’t the first round of voting for 2021 eligible awards back in May or June?” Yes, the 2021 CSR Awards opened first round nomination voting from May to June. Many of you nominated games, products and designers by voting in the first round and we thank you very much for participating. However, before the nominations were processed and prepared for the second round of final voting, we encountered some unexpected delays which necessitated changes in the organization.

We are pleased to announce that Gary Mengle, known by many of you via his YouTube channel Ardwulf’s Lair, has agreed to be the new Awards Director for the CSR Awards. Gary is a long-time wargamer, with varied interests, but a special affection for the OCS system. Both his encyclopedic knowledge and passion for wargaming will not only bring new enthusiasm to the CSR Awards, but also needed experience and guidance to the Board of Directors. Please join me in welcoming Gary to the Board.

there was more in the press release, but that’s the meat of it

Congrats and/or condolences, as appropriate, to our man Ardwulf!


The Connections Online Showcase is tomorrow

October 19th will be a one-day, all-day Connections Online project showcase for professional/practitioner game design.  Each presentation will run 90-120 minutes and focus on a single use case of a game designed or adapted to professional military/natsec usage, including deep dives into the objectives/purposes, designs, mechanics, execution, and lessons learned from both the prep and conduct of the games.


  • This event is currently projected to run over 12 hours, as it’ll all be single-threaded (ie, no sessions overlapping with each other)
  • Registration is open!
  • Sessions will be broadcast through YouTube live for registered participants to interact with the presenters
  • Sessions will be made public for viewing after the completion of the showcase and an editorial review by the staff
Confirmed Presentations

  • Brian Train’s urban Kriegspiel for the 40th ID Urban Warfare Planners’ Course
  • GUWS member Matt Kirchman on A Splendid Failure(Reconstruction in post-ACW US)
  • GUWS member Andrew Olson on the Competition AI wargame design
  • SAMS Student Dan Warner on Decisive Operations and incorporating that into the curriculum there
  • SAMS instructor Eric Price on integrating ROOT into professional military curricula
  • UKFC’s Take That Hill
  • Roger Mason and wargaming active shooter responses



  • You can now order Assault on Galipoli, the first release from Australia’s Gecko Games
  • Looks like Compass Games are actually shipping American Tank Ace: Europe 1944-45 so the pre-order price might be gone by the time you read this
  • If anyone wants to order a set of Steve Jackson’s new Steampunk Dice to send to Dragoons’ HQ, please let us know and we’ll send you the mailing address
  • Free League released their Mythic Britain & Ireland expansion for the Vaesen RPG
  • Catalyst Game Labs has a new BattleTech technical readout for the Dark Age part of their setting
  • Warlord Games released a bunch of stuff this week, like single-fig orders for their Historicon bonuses.  But the Army Muster pack of Celtic Warriors is the one that looks the coolest, so that’s the one we’re telling you about
TN-109911501 ArmyMusterCeltWarriors01
This is one of three stands of figures in the muster pack, which sadly do not arrive pre-painted











  • GameHoleCon is this weekend up in Madison, WI
  • We’re recording our wrap-up podcast on Weekend at the Warehouse tonight, so that’ll be coming in about a week
  • Carnage Royale, Rock-Con, and BottosCon are all the first weekend in November






  • Compass Games holiday catalogs are arriving, and of course we’ve recorded an marathon podcast about it, and we’ll get it out as soon as we can get it edited together
  • Chiswick Games has had Iron Thunder on Kickstarter for 2+ weeks now, and you’d still never know it from looking at their website, even after we’ve pointed it out to them both here and on social media.  At a certain point, you’ve got to be able to accomplish the bare-bones minimum level of execution for your company if you want people to have faith in your ability to deliver
  • The splash page on Ventonuovo’s site has been saying “This February” for 2-1/2 years now, leading us to ponder, “which February, exactly?”




Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.



That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.


Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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