February 10, 2025

Random Research: Solo War & Historical Gaming 2024

Armchair Dragoons PAO, 1 August 2024

Last year, we partnered with Beyond Solitaire to launch a short survey about your solo wargaming preferences, with the plan to make this an annual event and look at the changes over time.  Well, here we are “next year” so it’s time to run this again.

The plan is to run this survey thru 31 August, and then take a look at what everyone’s reported to us as their favorites.

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So what’s going on here?

As Liz noted last year

Many of us are omnigamers who enjoy a wide range of solo games, but I think solo historical and wargames don’t get as much love as they deserve. Every year, I love commenting on the People’s Choice Top 200 list, but also spend a lot of time complaining about how my favorite games keep falling further down the list, and further out of the public eye.

So we partnered with Beyond Solitaire to run our own survey on solo/solitaire gaming.  “Historical” is a term we have deliberately chosen to allow a wide array of games to be considered. Your nominees can be traditional wargames, conflict simulations, or games that actively engage with history in some way. (A game with a pasted-on historical theme should not be included here.)

Is Twilight Struggle a wargame? Pax Pamir? Rome Inc? Labyrinth? COIN games? Fortress America? Supply Lines of American Revolution? Battleship? Stratego? Race to the Rhine? Diplomacy? Nations & Cannons? Echelons of Fire/Echelons of Fury? Levee En Masse? Endurance? Hapsburg Eclipse? Barracks Emperors? Mr President?
We’re not going to try to make that distinction for you.
If it’s a wargame or a conflict simulation to you then it’s fair game for this survey, and we’re looking forward to seeing what you have to say!

And to clarify what we mean by “solo” or “solitaire” here’s another quote from last year

By “solo games,” we truly mean games that you enjoy on your own. No official solo mode is required—wargamers commonly play multiple sides against each other. Just make sure that if you put a game on your ballot, you do it because you actually enjoy playing it by yourself.


If you want to participate, please fill out the Google Form linked here. We will be leaving it open through Noon EDT on August 31, 2023. Once we have closed the form, we will crunch the data, tally the results, and publish this year’s list for everyone to enjoy.

Note: we know that cutting & pasting the links from BGG can be a headache, especially on a mobile phone/tablet. However, it’s the best way we can keep the data consistent until we can get a better technical solution in place.

Thanks for joining us in this new project, and happy gaming!


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The results of our 2024 survey can be found here:

The results of our 2023 research can be found here:

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