January 19, 2025

Off To Buckeye Game Fest! – #TuesdayNewsday 4/5/22

Each week, #TuesdayNewsday gives you the whirlwind tour of the strategy gaming headlines


We’re at Buckeye Game Fest this weekend, hanging out with Ardwulf and The Player’s Aid, among others.  We’ll be reporting live on FRI/SAT from Columbus, OH throughout the day.

What’s on the schedule?  This is just the ‘official’ events.

Event NameStartsHost NamesSeatsDuration (minutes)Description
OCS Forgotten Battles PlaytestMonday, April 4 at 9:00 AMMark Veerman4480This game will run Mon-Sat. Each day 8hrs. Selecting this event is a ticket for the full week.
Join Mark as you playtest the new scenario in the Operational Combat Series (OCS)
Come playtest the upcoming OCS title, Forgotten Battles, in Ukraine from Sept 1943 through May 1944! Runs all week.
OCS BootcampWednesday, April 6 at 4:00 PMGary Mengle4240Ever wanted to learn to play the legendary Operational Combat Series (OCS)? Now’s your chance, in this relaxed format with experienced mentors.
Operational Combat Series (OCS) games simulate campaign-level combat from 1900 to the mid-1950s.
OCS BootcampThursday, April 7 at 12:00 PMGary Mengle4240Ever wanted to learn to play the legendary Operational Combat Series (OCS)? Now’s your chance, in this relaxed format with experienced mentors.
Operational Combat Series (OCS) games simulate campaign-level combat from 1900 to the mid-1950s.
Song for War: Mediterranean TheaterFriday, April 8 at 9:00 AMSeth Stigliano4240This is a teaching game.
Song for War: Mediterranean Theater is a tabletop strategy game based in the contested regions of southern Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea during World War 2. Players team together as the Axis or Allies, vying for control in the Mediterranean
OCS BootcampFriday, April 8 at 12:00 PMGary Mengle4240Ever wanted to learn to play the legendary Operational Combat Series (OCS)? Now’s your chance, in this relaxed format with experienced mentors.
Operational Combat Series (OCS) games simulate campaign-level combat from 1900 to the mid-1950s.
Song for War: Mediterranean TheaterFriday, April 8 at 4:00 PMChris Helm4240This is a teaching game.
Song for War: Mediterranean Theater is a tabletop strategy game based in the contested regions of southern Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea during World War 2. Players team together as the Axis or Allies, vying for control in the Mediterranean
Brief Border WarsFriday, April 8 at 4:00 PMBrant Guillory4120Explore some of the smaller & more obscure conflicts of the 20th century with Brian Train's recent quad game that explores different short - and often inconclusive - "fun-size" wars. Battles include the "Soccer War" between Honduras & El Salvador, and the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, among others.
The Player's Aid: COIN Teach & PlayFriday, April 8 at 5:00 PMGrant Kleinhenz8300Join The Player's Aid as they teach COIN games!
COunter INsurgency, it's a series of wargames from GMT about various historical events. They are asymmetrical card-driven games
Song for War: Mediterranean TheaterSaturday, April 9 at 9:00 AMChris Helm4240This is a teaching game.
Song for War: Mediterranean Theater is a tabletop strategy game based in the contested regions of southern Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea during World War 2. Players team together as the Axis or Allies, vying for control in the Mediterranean
Brief Border WarsSaturday, April 9 at 10:00 AMBrant Guillory4120Explore some of the smaller & more obscure conflicts of the 20th century with Brian Train's recent quad game that explores different short - and often inconclusive - "fun-size" wars. Battles include the "Soccer War" between Honduras & El Salvador, and the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, among others.
The Player's Aid: COIN Teach & PlaySaturday, April 9 at 1:00 PMAlexander Klein8240Join The Player's Aid as they teach COIN games!
COunter INsurgency, it's a series of wargames from GMT about various historical events. They are asymmetrical card-driven games
Song for War: Mediterranean TheaterSaturday, April 9 at 4:00 PMSeth Stigliano4240This is a teaching game.
Song for War: Mediterranean Theater is a tabletop strategy game based in the contested regions of southern Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea during World War 2. Players team together as the Axis or Allies, vying for control in the Mediterranean
Brief Border WarsSaturday, April 9 at 6:00 PMBrant Guillory4120Explore some of the smaller & more obscure conflicts of the 20th century with Brian Train's recent quad game that explores different short - and often inconclusive - "fun-size" wars. Battles include the "Soccer War" between Honduras & El Salvador, and the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, among others.





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click to seriously enlarge this current list of what’s in Reaper’s Bones 6








Planning continues for Connections Online, being held from 18-24 April 2022, with the Core Events being held 19-21 April from 10am-4pm EST.  As the Armchair Dragoons are the co-sponsors of this event, you’ll get regular updates each week in Tuesday Newsday between now and launch.

Core events are set and the full schedule can be seen here.  Some highlights:

  • Hiring New Wargamers
    Who hires wargamers? We do. Meet the Hiring Managers.
    We have assembled a group of individuals who hire, or influence hiring, for professional games. The session will start with each panelist giving their thoughts on the professional market, what skills they would look for, and any advice about getting into the professional game design market. Panelists will then be available for questions. Note that this is not a hiring event, and participants are not representing their organization with their comments. They are just people with experience giving their advice and counsel to those looking for jobs.
  • Wargaming Other Than War
    A variety of commercial games have appeared over the years, with wargame-like mechanics, that portray situations that are not actual wars or kinetic conflicts. What the models and game engines behind some of these games?
  • Wargaming Practitioner Certification: Necessary or not?
    An oft-debated and controversial idea – is there a need for a certification for wargaming practitioners? Is it a natural progression of a body of knowledge, or protectionist gatekeeping? Should the community take control of the process before someone outside does so instead?
  • Wargaming Outside the NatSec World
    Professional wargaming tools & techniques can be used in a variety of contexts outside of the national security and political decision-making space. What are some ways in qhich professional-style wargames and exercises are used in the business & commercial worlds?

Extended events will occur across all 7 days, at a variety of hours that do not conflict with the Core Events.  Current planning includes, but is certainly not limited to

  • Wargame Bootcamp (multiple sessions) for VASSAL / TTS usage
  • Moderated panel, and a seminar game for the 40th anniversary of the Falkland Islands War
  • Wargame Design Workshop, where participants will actually design the broad-strokes mechanics of a wargame
  • Presentations from HMGS, The Deitz Foundation, and designer Jason Matthews

Some relevant details:

  • Registration is live!  Early bird tickets are probably sold out, but even the regular ones are only $5
  • All Core Events will be streamed through YouTube, but using unlisted URLs, which will limit live interaction to registered attendees.  After Connections is over, streams will be made public.  Some – but not all – Extended Events will be streamed.
  • Want to know more about Connections Online?  Brant & Brian Train crashed Moe’s show last year to talk about it







  • This week in our forums
    • OJsDad won the ACD March Madness bracket challenge
    • What are your thoughts on wargaming communities?
    • We open threads for all the games we feature on #UnboxingDay (unless there’s already one there) so there’s plenty of opportunity for you to jump in and chat about them
  • An interesting discussion on BGG about the game mechanics of retreats
  • Tag some friends and then sit back and let a fight discussion break out for 3 days






Don’ forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.



That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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