February 10, 2025

Origins 2024! The Exhibit Hall ~ All Of It

Armchair Dragoons PAO, 22 August 2024

The vast majority of what we cover during Origins focuses on wargaming and wargame-adjacent content (like the Origins War College) or the occasional friends-of-the-Dragoons (like Free League Publishing, or Carolina Game Tables).  We will get some walking around within the exhibit hall, and the rest of the convention, as you can see in our photo galleries and write-ups (linked at the end of the article).

This year, however, we endeavored to tackle a much larger project with the exhibit hall: get at least 1 picture of every booth in there. And we got close!  There’s a handful of booths we missed, and we probably got them in our video.  Next year we’ll be a little more methodical about it, but for now, here’s your (almost) full photo inventory of the 2024 Origins Exhibit Hall.

First off, here’s our exhibit hall walkthrough video.  We published this to our YouTube feed during the convention, but we’re adding here to help complete the view of the exhibit hall.


The original map as published on their site needed a little help, but we did find a different map that included a bunch of vendor names directly on the map, as well as the booth numbers.  The pink highlighted booths are the ones we called out in our Origins 2024 countdown article highlighting the exhibit hall

Origins 2024 Ex Hall

click to enlarge

Here’s the sortable table of everyone in the exhibit hall as published by the official Origins Game Fair website.  You can find the official Origins numbered-booth version of the map below the grid of booths, and as always with our pictures, clicken to embiggen (which opens the image in a new tab)

ACD Origins 2024 - Exhibit Hall Booth Gallery

Mischief Loot100Booth 100 Mischief Loot
Sideboard Games101Booth 101 Sideboard
Dave & Adam's Card World102Booth 102 Dave Adams Card World
V1 Tech103Booth 103 V1Tech
Dispel Dice106Booth 106 Dispel Dice
Decision Games/Stategy & Tactics Press107Booth 107 Decision 1
Crates of Chaos110Booth 110 Crates of Chaos
Possible Worlds Games112Booth 112 Possible Worlds
Dirty Woods113Booth 113 Dirty Woods
Archania's Workshop, LLC114Booth 114 Archania's Workshop
Blue Rondo Games118Booth 118 Blue Rondo
Magic Minis and More120Booth 120 Magic Minis and More
Roll With Adventure124Booth 124 Roll With Adventure
Rose Micro Solutions126Booth 126 Rose Micro
Red Planet Games Co.130Booth 130 Red Planet
Addax Games131Booth 131 Addax Games
Conquest / Para Bellum Games132Booth 132 Conquest
GDEX133Booth 133 GDEX
Scorpion Lair Games137Booth 137 Scorpion Lair
No Limit Gaming201
SRG Universe207Booth 207 SRG Universe
Hectic Electron Games208Booth 208 Hectic Electron
misty mountain gaming212Booth 212 Misty Mountain
DMDave Publishing213Booth 213 DMDave
Res Nova Games214Booth 214 Res Nova
Black Labrador Creations, LLC215Booth 215 Black Labrador
All Game Terrain231Booth 231 All Game Terrain 1 Booth 231 All Game Terrain 2
Binho Board232Booth 232 Binho
GalaxyCon233Booth 233 GalaxyCon
Fables & Tables Magazine234Booth 234 Fables Tables
N3 Studios235Booth 235 N3 Studios
Triforge Laser Design236Booth 236 Triforge
243Booth 243 – Who Is This
Start Here! Beach House RPGs245Booth 245 Start Here
Wise Wizard Games301Booth 301 Wise Wizard
Indie Press Revolution307Booth 307 IPR
Wet Ink Games309Booth 309 Wet Ink
Archon Games312Booth 312 Archon 1
The Crafty Gamer313Booth 313 Crafty Gamer
Evil Genius Games315Booth 315 Evil Genius 1 Booth 315 Evil Genius 2
Next Level Miniatures332Booth 332 Next Level Minis
Digital TableTops334Booth 334 Digital Table Tops
Stone Age Entertainment336Booth 336 Stone Age
Eric Fortune338Booth 338 Eric Fortune
wicked weird artist339Booth 339 Wicked Wierd
Anadia-chan342Booth 342 Anadia Chan
Castle Keep Crafts343Booth 343 Castle Keep Crafts
Terrible Games344Booth 344 Terrible Games
Rainbow Quest345Booth 345 Rainbow Quest
Foam Brain Games401Booth 401 Foam Brain
Troll and Toad407Booth 407 Troll Toad
Matsuricon412Booth 412 MatsuriCon
Free League Publishing413Booth 413 Free League 1
Paint & Take418Booth 418 Paint and Take 1 Booth 418 Paint and Take 2
Mega Kawaii Cuties438Booth 438 Mega Kuwaii
After Sunfall439Booth 439 After Sunfall
Tom Bacon Art442Booth 442 Tom Bacon
Welcome Home Creations TN444Booth 444 Welcome Home
Pin Trading Booth448Booth 448 Pin Trading
Extra Life Columbus451Booth 451 Extra Life
Bezier Games, Inc501Booth 501 Bezier
Limithron512Booth 512 Limithron
Runaway Parade Games513Booth 513 Runaway Parade
FanRoll by Metallic Dice Games515Booth 515 Fanroll 1
Imagining Games519Booth 519 Imagining 1
The Army Painter521Booth 521 Army Painter
Miniatures Display Space522Booth 522 Cincy Booth 522 Minis Display
Chronicle RPGs525Booth 525 Chronicle 1
Hymgho Premium Gaming527Booth 527 Hymgho 1
Miniatures Display Space530Booth 530 minis 1 Booth 530 minis 2
The Bodhana Group531Booth 531 Bodhana 1 Booth 531 Bodhana 2
Goblin's Hut533Booth 533 Goblin Hut
Tabletop Gaymers535Booth 535 Tabletop Gaymers
Mage Hand Press537Booth 537 Mage Hand
LUZ-ART538Booth 538 Luzart
Beldolor Studios539Booth 539 Beldolor Studios
Pour Over Gaming543Booth 543 Pour Over Gaming
The Collector Store545
Game Universe551Booth 551 Game Universe
World of Game Design601Booth 601 WOGD 1 Booth 601 WOGD 2
Booth 601 WOGD 3 Booth 601 WOGD 4
Booth 601 WOGD 5 Booth 601 WOGD 6
Booth 601 WOGD 7
Wyrd Games618 & Room A110Booth 618 Wyrd
Speedrobo Games619Booth 619 SpeedRobo
Chaotic Great622Booth 622 Chaotic Great
Hopes Game Manufacturer623Booth 623 Hopes
Whales Entertainment625Booth 625 Whales
Lay of the Land631Booth 631 Lay of the Land
Level Up Sabers631Booth 631 Level Up Sabers
The Geek Preacher632Booth 632 Geek Preacher
McDavitt Publishing633Booth 633 McDavitt
Trans Atlantis Games LLC634
Manta Ray Creations635Booth 635 Manta Ray
SeaBound Board Game636Booth 636 SeaBound
Oathen637Booth 637 Oathen
Golden Light Dice638Booth 638 Golden Light Dice
Action Fiction639Booth 639 Action Fiction
Art by Kellianne Stakenas642Booth 642 Kellianne Stakenas
Dbl Feature643Booth 643 DblFeature
TeeMinus24.com645Booth 645 TeeMinus24
Ironguard Supplies651Booth 651 Ironguard
Restoration Games701 & Room A121Booth 701 Restoration 1 Booth 701 Restoration 2
Cyber Wizard Games709Booth 709 Cyber Wizard
Lore Link713Booth 713 Lore Ink
TeeTurtle715Booth 715 Tee Turtle 1
9th Level Games719Booth 719 9th Level
SFR722Booth 722 SFR 1 Booth 722 SFR 2 Booth 722 SFR 3
Critical Crafting723Booth 723 Critical Crafting
Decus Workshop725Booth 725 Decus Workshop 1
Gamer Concepts727Booth 727 GamerConcepts
Obscure Reference Games731Booth 731 Obscure Reference
Dragon Armor Games732Booth 732 Dragon Armor
I MUSTACHE U734Booth 734 Mustache
LaunchBoom735Booth 735 Launchboom
United Daffodils736Booth 736 United Daffodils
The Art of Jeremy Provost LLC737Booth 737 Jeremy Provost
Lilystrations738Booth 738 Lillystrations
Smoking Glue Guns739Booth 739 Smoking Glue Guns
Andrew Heath Design + Illustration742Booth 742 Andrew Heath
My Little Demon743Booth 743 My Little Demon
Lowen Games745Booth 745 Lowen Games
Chasing Dopamine750Booth 750 Chasing Dopamine
Hrothgar's Hoard, LLC809Booth 809 Hrothgar
Brotherwise Games810Booth 810 Brotherwise 1 Booth 810 Brotherwise 4
Horrible Adorables812Booth 812 Horrible Adorables
Boda Games Manufacturing813Booth 813 Boda 1 Booth 813 Boda 2
Grey Fox Games815Booth 815 Grey Fox 1 Booth 815 Grey Fox 2
Distractia822Booth 822 Distractia 1
The WitchBorn823Booth 823 Witchborn 1 Booth 823 Witchborn 2
Crit Hit Ceramics824Booth 824 Crit Hit Ceramics 1
3WS Games827Booth 827 3WS
Origami Whale Games830Booth 830 Origami Whale
B.A. Games831Booth 831 BA Games
FoxHen Creatives832Booth 832 FoxHen
Aether Objects834Booth 834 Aether
Parakeet Griffin Games835
Gaming At Joe's836Booth 836 Joes
Lamf Games837Booth 837 Lamf
Jessy Cabrera838Booth 838 Cabrera
KamoriaArt839Booth 839 Kamoria
Interstellar Dice842Booth 842 Interstellar Dice
Miniature Market901Booth 901 MM 1
Indie Game Studios907Booth 907 Indie Game Studios 1
Floodgate Games908
Board & Dice909
Strange Machine Games910
Mystic Tomes & Treasures911Booth Mystic Tomes and Treasures
Twilight Creations915Booth 915 Twilight Creations 1 Booth 915 Twilight Creations 2
Crystal Caste919Booth 919 Crystal Caste 1
Sophisticated Cerberus Games921Booth 921 Sophisticated Cerberus 1
Role 4 Initiative922Booth 922 Role For Initiative 1
Slayer Games924Booth 924 Slayer 1
Siege Command925Booth 925 Siege Command
Goliath Coins926
Surfin' Meeple927Booth 927 Surfin Meeple
Carolina Game Tables931Booth 931 Carolina Game Tables Booth 931 Carolina Game Tables 1
Arcknight / Mimic Dice933Booth 933 Mimic Dice 1 Booth 933 Mimic Dice 2
Log Cabin Game Company934Booth 934 Log Cabin
Grod Games936Booth 936 Grod Games
From the Feywild937Booth 937 Feywild
Wired Dice Goblin938Booth 938 Wired Dice Goblin
The Dicey Dungeon939Booth 939 Dicey Dungeon
Saving Throw Pillows943Booth 943 Saving Throw Pillows
Cosplay Deviants945Booth 945 Cosplay Deviants
Cephalofair Games1001Booth 1001 Cephelophair 1
Flatworks Gaming1007Booth 1007 Flatworks
Table Top Candle Company1008Booth 1008 Table Top Candle
TNT Laser Works1009Booth 1009 TNT Laser
Limitless Adventures1010Booth 1010 Limitless 1 Booth 1010 Limitless 2
Praetorian Board Games1011Booth 1011 Praetorian
Zero Strategy Games1012Booth 1012 Zero Strategy
Bridge Distribution1015Booth 1015 Bridge Distro 1 Booth 1015 Bridge Distro 2
Sea Dog Games Studios1019Booth 1019 Sea Dog 1 Booth 1019 Sea Dog 2
Blackout Games1020Booth 1020 Blackout 1 Booth 1020 Blackout 2
Break Geek Games1021Booth 1021 Break Geek
Forgeborne Games1022
WinGo Games1023Booth 1023 WinGo
Critical Kit1024Booth 1024 Critical Kit
Play to Z1025Booth 1025 Play to Z
Vesuvius Media1027
Thor Custom Designs1031Booth 1031 Thor Custom
MyNerdLife1032Booth 1032 My Nerd Life
Monster Adventure Terrain1033Booth 1033 Monster Adventure Terrain
Cardboard Gaming, LLC1036Booth 1036 Cardboard Gaming
Fangorn Forge and Cavernwire Games1037Booth 1037 Fangorn 1 Booth 1037 Fangorn 2
Portreii1038Booth 1038 Portreii
Lor Illustration1039Booth 1039 Lor
Nerdzilly1042Booth 1042 Nerdzilly
Brieck Draw1043Booth 1043 Brieck Draw
Esotera1045Booth 1045 Esotera
Rising Empire Studios1101Booth 1101 Rising Empire
Norse Foundry1106Booth 1106 Norse Foundry 1
Chaosium Inc.1107Booth 1107 Chaosium 1 Booth 1107 Chaosium 2
Alwin Games1108
SlugFest Games1109
Bard and Broad1110Booth 1110 Bard and Broad
Enterprise Games1115Booth 1115 Enterprise 1 Booth 1115 Enterprise 2
Iron Wind Metals1119Booth 1119 Iron Wind 1 Booth 1119 Iron Wind 2
Booth 1119 Iron Wind 3 Booth 1119 Iron Wind 4
Booth 1119 Iron Wind Metals 1
Legends of Avantris1120Booth 1120 Legends of Avantris
Lime Green Games1122Booth 1122 Lime Green Games
Sirius Dice1123Booth 1123 Sirius Dice Booth 1123 Sirius
Pet Domination, LLC1124Booth 1124 Pet Domination
Free RPG Day1125Booth 1125 Free RPG Day
Envy Born Games1127Booth 1127 Envy Born 2 Booth 1127 Envy Born 3
First Fish Games1130Booth 1130 First Fish 1 Booth 1130 First Fish 2
Geeky Endeavors1131Booth 1131 Geeky Endavors
Weathervane Games1133Booth 1133 Weathervane
WarpTable1137Booth 1137 WarpTable
Cryptid Dicecraft1138Booth 1138 Cryptid Dicecraft
Author Ray Wenck1139Booth 1139 Wenck
Steve Messenger Art1142Booth 1142 Steve Messenger
Woodside Illustrations - Kayla Woodside1143Booth 1143 Kayla Woodside
Rebekah's Fate1145Booth 1145 Rebekahs Fate
Gate Keeper Games & Dice1201Booth 1201 Gate Keeper
Goodman Games1207
Board Game Mystery Boxes & Mayday Games/ Imperial Publishing1208
Bazada Games1212
Smirk & Dagger Games1213Booth 1213 Smirk Dagger 1
DoFine Games Co. Ltd1220Booth 1220 DoFine
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza (Dolphin Hat Games)1222Booth 1222 Dolphin Hat
Pegasus Publishing1223Booth 1223 Pegasus Publishing 1 Booth 1223 Pegasus Publishing 2
Wattsalpoag Games1231Booth 1231 Wattsalpoag
DaSueDragon Designs1232Booth 1232 DaSueDragon
Grand Gamers Guild1233Booth 1233 Grand Gamers 2
Adventures' Stationery And Supply1236Booth 1236 Adventures Stationery
SKY GAME1237Booth 1237 Sky Game
Tangled Earth Arts1238Booth 1238 Tangled Earth
Woodside Illustrations - Brent Woodside1242Booth 1242 Woodside
Capstone Games1301Booth 1301 Capstone Games 1
Inside Up Games1307Booth 1307 Inside Up 1
Hachette Boardgames1311Booth 1311 Hachette 1 Booth 1311 Hachette 2 Booth 1311 Hatchette 1
Van Ryder Games1319Booth 1319 Van Ryder 1 Booth 1319 Van Ryder 2 Booth 1319 Van Ryder 3
Last Night Games1322Booth 1322 Last Night
Gem Blenders TCG1323Booth 1323 Gem Blenders
The Dietz Foundation1324Booth 1324 Dietz 1 Booth 1324 Dietz Foundation 1
TIMBER!1325Booth 1325 Timber
Najarian Art1326
Grandpa Beck's Games1327Booth 1327 Grandpa
Thunderworks Games1331Booth 1331 Thunderworks
Allen Panakal Art1333Booth 1333 Allen Panakal
Dapper On Arrival1336Booth 1336 Dapper
Equilibrium USG1337Booth 1337 Equilibrium
Pollia Design1338Booth 1338 Pollia
Enchanted Madness Creations1339Booth 1339 Enchanted Madness
Arcadian Chain1343Booth 1343 Arcadian Chain
Loading Crew Crafts1345Booth 1345 Loading Crew
Arcane Wonders1401
Black Oak Workshop1411Booth 1411 Black Oak 1 Booth 1411 Black Oak 2
Elf Creek Games1413Booth 1413 Elf Creek 1 Booth 1413 Elf Creek 2
Academy Games1419Booth 1419 Academy Games 1 Booth 1419 Academy Games 2 Booth 1419 Academy Games 3
Booth 1419 Academy Games 4 Booth 1419 Academy Games 6
AMIGO Games1422Booth 1422 Amigo
Daria Askenova1438Booth 1438 Daria Askenova
Pawley Studios1442Booth 1442 Pawley
Studio de Sade & Fine Art of Nigel Sade1443Booth 1443 Studio De sade
Geekify1444Booth 1444 Geekify
B Field Games1445Booth 1445 BField
Allplay1501 & Supported Play 2210Booth 1501 Allplay 1
KTBG/Burnt Island Games1513
LongPack Games & Toys1515Booth 1515 Longpack
Czech Games Edition1519Booth 1519 CGE 1
The Art of Brent Chumley1542
Ian Moss Creative1543Booth 1543 Ian Moss
Madam Coyote LLC1544Booth 1544 Madam Coyote
Catmint Games1545Booth 1545 Catmint
BTA Workshop1547Booth 1547 BTA
Havoc Games, LLC1549Booth 1549 Havoc
Studio 2 Publishing1601Booth 1601 Studio2 1 Booth 1601 Studio2 8
Robin's Nerd Supplies1611 & Room A122
Around the Stump Games1613
Fireside Games1614Booth 1614 Fireside 1
25th Century Games1615Booth 1615 25th Cent
Chip Theory Games LLC1623Booth 1623 Chip Theory
VRGames/VR-Soft.com1631Booth 1631 VR Soft
WM Homestead1633
TeeTurtle Fandoms1637
Nate Lovett1639Booth 1639 Nate Lovett
Citrus Atelier1642Booth 1642 Citrus Atelier
Pink Hawk Games1644Booth 1644 Pink Hawk
Epic Meltdown Candles1646Booth 1646 Epic Meltdown
BrownCastle Games1647Booth 1647 Browncastle
Nimue Innovation Studios1648Booth 1648 Nimue
Drayer Ink1649Booth 1649 Drayer
Urban Professional Games1649
Art by Charles Urbach1701Booth 1701 Charles Urbach Booth 1701 Not Urbach
We Ride Games1705Booth 1705 We Ride
Outset1709Booth 1709 Outset 1 Booth 1709 Outset 2
Solis Game Studio1712Booth 1712 Solis
Dice Dungeons1731Booth 1731 Dice Dungeons
Best Man Gaming LLC1737Booth 1737 Best Man
Jacob Walker Art1739Booth 1739 Jacob Walker
Tea Punk Teas1809Booth 1809 Tea Punk Teas
Joe Slucher Art1813Booth 1813 Slucher
Gameland1815Booth 1815 Gameland
Ravenwood Woodworks1831Booth 1831 Ravenwood
Fyre & Ashe1833Booth 1833 Fyre Ash
Dice Mugs1837Booth 1837 Dice Mugs
Dream Vale Studios1838Booth 1838 Dream Vale
BlindCoyote1839Booth 1839 BlindCoyote
Japanime Games1900Booth 1900 Japanime 1 Booth 1900 Japanime 2
Panda Cult Games1908Booth 1908 Panda Cult 1
Rookie Mage Games`1912Booth 1912 Rookie Mage
DPH Games Inc.1914Booth 1914 DPH Games
Authors Alcove1918(see gallery below)
Furia Games1919Booth 1919 Furia 1 Booth 1919 Furia 2
The Merchant of Many Things1921Booth 1921 Merchant Many Things
Long Dog Games1925Booth 1925 Long Dog
SkeletonKey Games1930Booth 1930 Skeleton Key 2
Snowbright Studio1931Booth 1931 Snowbright
Splattered Ink Games1932Booth 1932 Splattered Ink
BitsBins1936Booth 1936 BitsBins
Mina Soleil1937Booth 1937 Mina Soleil
CB3 Studio & Gaming1938Booth 1938 CB3
Bellum Creations1939Booth 1939 Bellum
Cosplay Corner2001Booth 2001 Cosplay 1 Booth 2001 Cosplay 2 Booth 2001 Cosplay 3
Dark Moon Cards and Games2018Booth 2018 Dark Moon
Krit Dice2022Booth 2022 Krit Dice
Brother Ming Games2023Booth 2023 Brother Ming
Mischief & Malice TCG2024Booth 2024 Mischief Malice
Natasia Embroidery2025Booth 2025 Natasia Embroidery
Tokki's Whimsical TImes2026Booth 2026 Tokkis
Horizon Board Games2027Booth 2027 Horizon Games Studio
Black Hole Rainbows2029Booth 2029 Black Hole Rainbows
Orto Games2032Booth 2032 Orto
GrimStylesArt2033Booth 2033 GrimStyle
Green Butterfly Games2035Booth 2035 Green Butterfly
Combee Collectibles2036Booth 2036 Combee
Gamer Girl Jewelry2037Booth 2037 Gamer Girl Jewelry
Savvy Jensen Art2038Booth 2038 Savvy Jensen
Pocket Jacks Comics2039Booth 2039 Pocket Jacks
Queen Games2100 & 2101 - Supported Play (Hall C)Booth 2100 Queen
Catalyst Game Labs2508 - Supported Play (Hall C)Booth 2508 Catalyst
Boardwalk PuzzlesTournament of Pieces SpaceBooth ToP Boardwalk Puzzles Booth ToP Speed Puzzles 1 Booth ToP Speed Puzzles 2
(Almost) all of the booths in the exhibit hall from Origins 2024


Authors Alcove – 1918

Rather than stuff too many pictures into the table, here are the folks in the Authors Alcove


O24 OfficialExHallMap

click to enlarge




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