Each week, #TuesdayNewsday’s whirlwind tour of the strategy gaming headlines keeps you dialed into what matters
CSW Dallas is coming up imminently! 12-15 May, in… well, c’mon now – it’s in Dallas
- Details can be found here
- Game signups are over here
- There’s a discord server you can join to discuss, too
Meanwhile, there’s other convention coverage we’ll have between now and then, including Hotlead!, Playthrough, and Buckeye GameFest
Remember, you can always find your closest convention by checking out our consolidated event calendar
- Compass Games are now shipping War For America
- Worthing Publishing has released their next gamebook – Braveheart is now available through Amazon
- High Flying Dice Games released No Time for Prayer about the capture of New Orleans in the ACW
- Magazines a-plenty this week!
- S&T #334 is now shipping to subscribers, with articles about the Italians in WW1, and the “what if?” scenario of a post-ACW war along the Rio Grande with Mexico (seems like we’ve discussed this before…)
- Punched magazine has unleashed issue #4 upon the world
- Warlord Games has the latest issue of Wargames Illustrated for sale on their site
- Catalyst dropped several new BattleTech products this week, including some “vintage” cover books, but also the latest issue of their Shrapnel magazine (#8)
- The Wargaming Company have started shipping their new Et Sans Résultat series 3 products
- Columbia Games has a bunch of Harnworld PDFs to help ease new players into the setting, and you get them all for $1
- Hollandspiele released another Table Battles game – Table Battles Expansion No. 6: Great Battles of Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine is now out
- Big Spring sale over at Slitherine with some stuff under $2
- Kraken Dice extended their Spring Cleaning sale for a few days
- Pretty sure our boy Boyerwulf was looking for Days of the Fox and hey! it’s on sale over at MM
- Iron Harvest deluxe edition on sale at Humble Bundle for another few days, at over 60% off
- S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is Modern War #3, with the Somali Pirates game
- Avalanche Press have a pre-order for Steppe And Sky: A Brief History of Ukraine on their site, and they are eating the production costs to donate all the proceeds to Catholic Relief Services’ mission in Poland supporting Ukrainian refugees
- Draco Ideas campaign for ONUS! Traianus (Roman Empire in their ONUS! card-based game) is running over 1000% funded, and they’re just making up stretch goals as they go at this point
- GW has a pre-order for WH40K Combat Patrol: Grey Knights that do look pretty cool… but swords vs laser guns?
- Brigade Games has a new wave of 28mm AWI minis on Kickstarter. Crucially, these are actual minis, not just .stl files
- Warlord Games have a bunch of WW2 Italian paratroopers for Bolt Action on pre-order, like this infantry section and this support group
Saturday Night Fights ~ The Battle of Cannae for “Age of Hannibal”
- #Unboxing Day was this last Thursday
- Zurmat by Catastrophe Games
- Captain’s Sea by Legion Wargames
- War for America by Compass Games
- Paths of Glory by GMT Games
- Barbarossa: Army Group Center by GMT Games
- Liliburlero by Against The Odds Magazine
- Interceptor Ace by Compass Games
- War in the Wind by Compass Games
- Salerno ’43 by GMT Games
- Vietnam: 1965-1975 by GMT Games
- Mentioned in Dispatches took a detailed look at the upcoming Connections Online conference
- Game Conventions ~ Hotlead! photo gallery
- Upcoming Dragoons Events
- Next #UnboxingDay is 21 April
- Next Virtual Convention is Connections Online, 19-21 April 2022
- Next Real-World Convention is now going to be Buckeye Game Fest, 7-11 April (we can’t get there early enough for The War Room at BGF)
- Don’t forget that we’re still on for Origins, 8-12 June 2022
Planning continues for Connections Online, being held from 18-24 April 2022, with the Core Events being held 19-21 April from 10am-4pm EST. As the Armchair Dragoons are the co-sponsors of this event, you’ll get regular updates each week in Tuesday Newsday between now and launch.
- Core events are largely set, but exact times are being confirmed. They’ll include
- Recent Innovations in Wargaming
- How Wargamers Get Hired
- Designing a Professional Wargame
- Methodologies for Designing Cyber Wargames
- Wargaming Outside the NatSec World
- Extended events will occur across all 7 days, at a variety of hours that do not conflict with the Core Events. Current planning includes, but is certainly not limited to
- Wargame Bootcamp (multiple sessions) for VASSAL / TTS usage
- Moderated panel, and a seminar game for the 40th anniversary of the Falkland Islands War
- Wargame Design Workshop, where participants will actually design the broad-strokes mechanics of a wargame
- Registration will go live in March
- All Core Events will be streamed through YouTube, but using unlisted URLs, which will limit live interaction to registered attendees. After Connections is over, streams will be made public. Some – but not all – Extended Events will be streamed.
- If you are interested in volunteering with Connections Online, please drop a note in our forums or contact us at armchairdragoonsevents – at – gmail – dot – .com
- The Battle of Saalfeld for “Shako 2” and The Battle of Saalfeld (cont’d) for “Shako 2”
- The Blood Bowl league is underway, and players are posting their recaps in this thread
- Fort Circle Games’ online Shores of Tripoli tournament starts this week and you can still get into it
- Hethwill is playing through a Norway scenario in WW2 and tweeting as he goes
7 April 1940
Submarines from Task Force 2 converge to possible concentration of RN.
As per roll result of 6 the scouting is successful and turns out as a deception. pic.twitter.com/jy2JgtrALH— Hethwill Wargames (@Hethwill_Khan) March 20, 2022
- Lots of variant / updated counters for classic wargames from these guys
- Julien gives us an update on the current shipping /fulfillment issues with Shakos’s games
- Avalanche Press’ daily content highlight this week was talking about German battleships in their alt-history WW1 game
- Grognard.com’s web hosting is coming up empty; might this finally be the end of an era?
- Want to see Stalingrad: Death to the City in playtest mode?
- This week in our forums
- A very nice display on wargaming at the US Naval War College
- Salerno ’43 is starting to arrive as people are getting ready to play it
- Bawb’s new PC is “on the way”. Maybe.
- It’s a good thing that a robust set of articles on logistics in wargaming devolved into an argument about traffic jams, huh? This one didn’t do much better, either
- Big set of sale photos from Games Plus, a store in Mount Prospect, IL, and they ship
- Blog post with some gorgeous Saxon minis
- Rocky digs into the air war over Ukraine from a wargaming perspective
- Moe dug into the Battle for Stalingrad. No, the other one. No, the other one. The other other one. Not that one. The other, other, other one. This one from Excalibre Games, dammit.
- Brian Train brought our attention to this podcast about the COIN series games
- Ardwulf’s counter clipping stream took the week off, as he’s on vacation with his wife, but he & Dan still did their show last week and it’s pretty entertaining
Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.
- Does the DoD need a joint wargaming center? DefenseOne thinks so. If so, why isn’t CASL (at the NDU) considered that center?
- The History of Wargaming Project wants to know why all of our wargame models of Ukraine were wrong
- What does Esports have to do with national security? Breaking Defense wants to tell you all about it
- The next GUWS webinar is on 3/31, talking about Air Force Wargaming
- PaxSims is talking about the next infectious disease outbreak, and the sims/games we can play to learn about the response
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.