November 11, 2024

Dragoons Assembly 2020


With the loss of so many of our Summer conventions to the plague (Origins, WBC, Historicon, Adepticon, and more) we’ve decided to just hold our own convention!

(looking for the original OPORD? it’s archived here)

Live feeds for Dragoons Assembly Events

These were the Youtube captures of the live-streams we did this past weekend. Note that this was not all of the events we held, as we didn’t get live streams of any of the games of Lock ‘n Load Tactical, or Conflict of Heroes.


Happy Hour with Moe!


Data Curation & Conflict Simulation: The Example of Harpoon (or, “What’s in Larry Bond’s Basement?”)


World at War ’85 – Storming the Gap


Salamanca, an Epic Commands & Colors Napoleonic battle


Designing the “Heroes Rising: Three Kingdoms” wargame


Introduction to Wargame Design at Georgetown University
(partial for now – full upload coming later)


Brave Little Belgium


Coastal Defense’s Influence on American History


Forlorn Hope – Song of Drums and Shakos


Games & Sims for Training & Learning


World at War ’85 – Storming the Gap


Brave Little Belgium


Great Campaigns of the American Civil War: Cedar Mountain


Moe’s Game Table – Interview with Uwe from Academy Games


Prokhorovka, an Overlord M’44 WW2 battle


Moe’s Game Table – Interview with David from Lock ‘n Load

Dragoons Assembly 2020 Events

Event NameEvent TypeStartsDuration (minutes)Platform
Conflict of Heroes - France 1940 pre-releaseGamesFriday at 17:00120Tabletopia
Moe's Game Table - Happy Hour & Convention WelcomeSeminarFriday at 19:0060YouTube
Lock 'n Load Tactical: AIRBORNE!GamesFriday at 19:00180Tabletopia
Data Curation & Conflict Simulation: The Example of HarpoonSeminarFriday at 20:0060YouTube
World at War '85 - Storming the GapGamesFriday at 21:00180Tabletop Simulator
Salamanca, an Epic Commands & Colors Napoleonic battleGamesSaturday at 10:00240Tabletop Simulator
Designing the "Heroes Rising: Three Kingdoms" wargameSeminarSaturday at 10:0060YouTube
Introduction to Wargame Design at Georgetown UniversitySeminarSaturday at 11:0060YouTube
Brave Little BelgiumGamesSaturday at 11:0060Tabletop Simulator
Learn to Play Conflict of Heroes with Academy GamesGamesSaturday at 11:0030Google Hangouts
Lock 'n Load Tactical: AIRBORNE!GamesSaturday at 12:00180Tabletopia
Coastal Defense's Influence on American HistorySeminarSaturday at 12:0060YouTube
Conflict of Heroes - France 1940 pre-releaseGamesSaturday at 13:00120Tabletopia
Games & Sims for Training & LearningSeminarSaturday at 14:0090YouTube
World at War '85 - Storming the GapGamesSaturday at 15:00180Tabletop Simulator
Moe's Game Table - Whiskey Charlie!SeminarSaturday at 16:0060YouTube
Brave Little BelgiumGamesSaturday at 16:0060Tabletop Simulator
Conflict of Heroes - France 1940 pre-releaseGamesSaturday at 17:00120Tabletopia
Forlorn Hope - Song of Drums and ShakosGamesSaturday at 17:0090Roll20
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War: Cedar MountainGamesSaturday at 18:00180VASSAL
Moe's Game Table - Interview with Uwe from Academy GamesSeminarSaturday at 19:00 PM60YouTube
Prokhorovka, an Overlord M'44 WW2 battleGamesSaturday at 20:00 PM240Tabletop Simulator
Moe's Game Table - Interview with David from Lock 'n LoadSeminarSaturday at 21:00 PM60YouTube
Events planned for the Virtual Dragoons Assembly 2020
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