February 18, 2025

A First Look at Bloody Mohawk: The French & Indian War

Michael Eckenfels, 12 November 2019

If you’re feeling like you need more tactical-sized French and Indian War combat in your life, you might want to take a look at Bloody Mohawk by Lock n’ Load Publishing.

For one or two players, with high solitaire suitability regardless of scenario, this game is, as the title infers, firmly planted in the North American theater of the French and Indian War, fought between the English and the French.


To be clear, the game is not a campaign covering the entire conflict, but rather, a simulation of twelve battles in that campaign. It is meant as a light, introductory-level wargame that can be set up, played, and put away in a short period of time (the game says “about an hour” for each game).


The interesting box art was, as David Heath, whom runs Lock n’ Load Publishing said, done with re-enactors. They look pretty fantastic decked out as they are, and it helps make the game feel a bit more ‘real’ – more so than it would have been had they just did regular wargame box artwork with drawings of people.



The rule book is short, sweet, and to the point (and no, I didn’t write it, nor did I have anything to do with this game). The font is larger than normal, a boon to those older wargamers out there that don’t want to use a magnifying glass to read. It’s done in, as you can see here, full color, making it quite eye-catching and interesting.



As mentioned, the game covers twelve battles, each with their own map sheet (six double-sided map sheets, to be precise). Some are more visually interesting than others…



…such as this one covering ‘Battle On Snowshoes, March 13, 1758.’ Though at first I thought it looked like a lot of cotton, and pretty quickly groked that it’s actually snow-covered trees.



With 88 counters, there’s not a lot to manage, which I’m betting will make it a lot easier to set up and put away. Not to mention not all counters are likely going to be used in each of the twelve battles


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