January 24, 2025

#UnboxingDay ~ Polyversal by Collins Epic Wargaming

Brant Guillory, 20 October 2022 ~ #UnboxingDay

Dammit, now I need to get some minis….

We’ve been tracking Polyversal since it first appeared in playtest form at Origins in 2013.

The 2013 playtest version on the left with the cotton ball status markers.  You can see Polyversal in the front right of the Byron’s booth on the right photo.

Well here it is!


Collins Epic Wargames sent us both the starter rules box, and a set of command cards that are used to create your battlegroups.


click images to enlarge

The box is very sturdy.  Not quite as bulletproof as the one from Shores of Tripoli but probably close.



What’s in the box?1
Rules and couple of player aid cards, a small bag of color-coded dice, and a bunch of status and command markers.


There’s 2 of each sheet of counters, and there’s 2 sheets of the gray counters that seem to have gone into stealth mode in our photo gallery.


The 2 player aid cards are identical.



The table of contents for the hefty softcover book is pretty clear and well-organized


As befitting any good sci-fi game, there’s a significant backstory here.  The narrative makes you want to read the graphic novels that you wish were included with the setting, but alas there are none…


There are solid notes from both the designer and the publisher.  There are also QR codes throughout the book, as Collins Epic Wargames were one of the first publishers to jump on that bandwagon, using them to link their rulebooks to YouTube videos, catalogs, and more.


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The rulebook is very well-illustrated, and Collins Epic Wargames has created one of the more attractive gamebooks you’ll see.


Our ‘care package’ from the publisher also included a bunch of command cards that are used to create your battlegroups (see rulebook image, above).  Purchase of the game also gets you access to the website where you can design your own cards, as Polyversal is a minis-agnostic game and it’s likely you’ll need to create some cards for the figs you’ve already got laying around.  The rulebook explains all this to you.

The basic card pack from Collins Epic is pretty full


What’s in the not-a-box-but-just-a-shrinkwrapped-stack-of-cards


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There are multiples of several cards, as some battlegroups will either contain multiples of those units, or that one unit type could be present in multiple battlegroups.


And yeah, now I need to go get some (more) minis.

Thanks for joining this month’s #UnboxingDay with the Armchair Dragoons and we hope you enjoyed a look under our hoods!  You can always leave us your feedback in our #UnboxingDay thread, or in the comment area on this article, below.
You can find our regiment’s social media on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  (We have an Instagram page and we never use it.)  We also have our Patreon, where you can support The Armchair Dragoons activities.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.

Want to contribute to next month’s #UnboxingDay? Drop us a line in the #UnboxingDay thread in the forum and let us know


  1. OK, we’re retiring that joke now. The movie wasn’t that good anyway

Brant G

Editor-in-chief at Armchair Dragoons

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