Billy Riley, 19 August 2021 ~ #UnboxingDay
I don’t know why I bought this. Honestly. It was most definitely on a whim. It had been mentioned in the sticky thread I asked for and I almost felt an obligation to get it. However – it wasn’t totally that – I do like modern warfare – and a fictional war with real factions kind of did stir the loins somewhat.
So yeah – I bought it. Shoot me.
Here’s the low down
Box Art – Nice image of a carrier and an unknown aircraft (kudos points to anyone who knows what it is)
click images to enlarge
The manual is nice and small. At first glance it seems well laid out. The whole book is 35 pages. 21 are rules, 6 pages contain an Example of Play – though only of the Military Phase and a further 7 pages for Scenarios (7 scenarios in all).
It is a well laid out manual and is good quality, decent sized font and enough graphics to assist.
The game plays out in through a Political Phase and then through several Military Phases. A total of 6 Political Phases are played using cards and it seems at some point through that phase, conflict might erupt and Military Phases take over.
Player Aid Cards – There are 2 identical player aid cards. These do a good job of explaining the counters – there’s a lot of numbers on these counters.
Counters – There are 3 counter sheets. They are nice counters, easily punched. They didn’t need rounding, but yeah – I did it.
Political Cards – I haven’t really read much of the rules – just a glance – but these cards are what are used through the Political Phase and at some point, conflict could break out. From what I gather in the rules, it’s possible conflict might not erupt though.
Maps – There are 3 maps – sorry, I didn’t measure them individually or together – and that is normally a bug bear of mine – so I apologise for not providing it.
The maps are nice. Big and clear.
This is the layout of all 3 maps together
That’s all there is. I don’t really have a whole lot to say about it. It appearing on Kickstarter surprised me. My purchase surprised me and actually getting the game surprised me.
I’m intrigued. I don’t know how the Political Phase is going to play out with one person where each faction either plays a card or discards it – they can even trade…how I’m going to manage that solo, I’m not sure.
Anyway – it’s going to join my collection of unplayed games and wait for it’s turn.
Thanks for joining this month’s #UnboxingDay with the Armchair Dragoons and we hope you enjoyed our recon of our recent acquisitions.
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