January 22, 2025

Make Your Plans Now for October! ~ #TuesdayNewsday

Dive into this week’s #TuesdayNewsday, where we bring you the latest updates from the world of wargaming


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There’s about a week two weeks left in our joint survey with Beyond Solitaire.1
If you want to see what we came up with last year, you can go here to see what we came up with.  Plans are for something similar this year.  Don’t be that guy that pops after the survey is done saying “I wish I’d know about this!”

Beyond Research Header 2


5News 3 Assembly

The 2024 Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024.

  • Badge sales are now open, and there’s still a few early-bird deals available.
  • Event registration will open this coming weekend.
  • Event submissions are still open; GM’s with at least 2 events in the schedule get a free badge.
  • We will be back at The Gamer’s Armory again this year, in Cary, NC (just outside Raleigh).

Current event schedule, with a few more to come.

Event NameTypeMax#StartsMinutes
Air & Armor: WurzburgBoard Game5 FRI 10/11 at 14:00300
GMT Rebel FuryBoard Game4 FRI 10/11 at 14:00120
Raider Drop ZoneBoard Game4 FRI 10/11 at 16:00180
GCACW-Stonewall in the Valley-Cross Keys & Port RepublicBoard Game3 FRI 10/11 at 18:00240
Take That StreetBoard Game4 FRI 10/11 at 19:00120
#Maneuver Warfare: The Card GameCard Game4SAT 10/12 at 10:00120
Air & Armor: WürzburgBoard Game5SAT 10/12 at 10:00300
GMT Rebel FuryBoard Game4SAT 10/12 at 10:00120
Raider Drop ZoneBoard Game4SAT 10/12 at 10:00240
GMT's Fort SumterBoard Game4SAT 10/12 at 12:00120
The Last Success (Library of Napoleonic Battles)Board Game4SAT 10/12 at 12:00240
GMT Battles of the American RevolutionBoard Game4SAT 10/12 at 13:00240
Star Wars: ArmadaMinis Game10SAT 10/12 at 13:00120
World In The Air 85Board Game2SAT 10/12 at 14:00240
Star Wars: ArmadaMinis Game10SAT 10/12 at 15:00120
Take That StreetBoard Game4SAT 10/12 at 18:00120
SPI's BundeswehrBoard Game4SAT 10/12 at 19:00120
Men of IronBoard Game4SUN 10/13 at 10:00180
GCACW-Stonewall in the Valley-McdowellBoard Game4SUN 10/13 at 10:00300
NATO: The Cold War Goes HotBoard Game4SUN 10/13 at 10:00300
TCS - Goose GreenBoard Game4SUN 10/13 at 11:00240


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5News 3 Incoming

Hitting the shelves (and webstores) near you now!

TN montage 082024



5News 4 launch

Time to get those orders in now and then either (a) complain that it’s 2 years late, and/or (b) be surprised when it gets here sooner than you thought


5News 5 falling

Looking for a deal? Getting more bang for your buck?


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5News 8 Blogs

This week’s best written coverage from the wargaming world


5News 9 screen

The best videos this week from our wargaming friends



5News 10 industry

Various news & notes from the business end of the gaming world


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5News 6 regiment

It’s been a busy week for the regiment; here’s what you might’ve missed!

Reminder than #UnboxingDay is on hiatus until 2025, when we’ll re-evaluate its potential return


5News 7 muster

Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.

Upcoming Dragoons Events

Other Conventions & Events


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5News 11 Pros

Focusing on the practitioner world ~ don’t forget about our dedicated area in our forums for the wargame professionals!


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5News 12 different

Something neat from outside the wargaming world we thought was worth sharing – just don’t think too hard about how long ago this was


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

Thank you for visiting The Armchair Dragoons and mounting up with the Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
You also can find our regiment’s social media on MastodonFacebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even Threads.  (We have an Instagram page and it’s really just a placeholder & redirect to our articles.)
You can support The Armchair Dragoons through our Patreon, also, and find us at a variety of conventions and other events.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.


  1. we’re going to extend the deadline a week into September
  2. h/t Tory Brown
  3. pushing back a weekend bc of Labor Day holiday
  4. the weekend before the Fall Assembly
  5. Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

View all posts by Armchair Dragoons PAO →

3 thoughts on “Make Your Plans Now for October! ~ #TuesdayNewsday

  1. It’s unfortunate that the solitaire game survey accepts no fewer than five answers. This means the more casual (war)gamers who may not play too many games and thus may not have five favorites, are either not going to respond at all, or fill in their blanks with games they rarely play, or more likely have never played, thereby skewing the survey results.

    So, spare me the near constant lament heard from nearly all quarters on how this hobby “needs new blood” when the more casual gamers are ignored in instances like this.

    1. it’s not an issue of ignoring casual gamers so much as it is trying to capture what solo/solitaire gamers prefer. As someone pointed out last year on a BGG thread – if you don’t have 5 favorite solitaire games, or games you enjoy playing solo multihanded or with some form of ‘bot, then maybe you’re not the target audience for this particular survey, since that’s its focus.

      We’re not trying to exclude anyone, but with fewer than 5 votes/person, the math *does* get skewed (we did a test run last year before the survey to check) and we’re really focused on gathering info from those that play enough solo/solitaire wargaming that they would have 5 faves.

      1. It just seems to me that your “target audience” would be tiny, in which case who cares what they play. 😀 😀 😀

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