January 24, 2025

Where Did *That* Come From? ~ #TuesdayNewsday

Gear up for strategic insights and epic battles in our #TuesdayNewsday feature


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Holy. Cow.

HuffPo talked about the existence of the game within Vonnegut’s notes back in 2012, but HUGE props to Geoff Engelstein for turning it into a viable product.


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SDHISTCON Second Front is this weekend.  It’s a one-day/all-day online event with a ton of games, demos, and interesting talks

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WHQ O24 VertOrigins countdown articles are continuing to drop each Wednesday, as we look forward to the convention this Summer, 19-23 June in Columbus OH


We still want to hear from you – what sort of preview coverage would you like to see leading up to Origins, and what sort of coverage would you like us to provide at the show?

Sound off in the comments below, or talk back to us in our forum thread for Origins 2024


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5News 3 Incoming

Hitting the shelves (and webstores) near you now!

TN montage 060424


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Time to get those orders in now and then either (a) gripe that it’s not here already, and/or (b) be surprised when it gets here sooner than you thought


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Saving money? Spending just as much but getting more for it?


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5News 8 Blogs

This week’s best written coverage from the wargaming world


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The best videos this week from our wargaming friends



5News 10 industry

Various news & notes from the business end of the gaming world


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5News 6 regiment

It’s been a busy week for the regiment; here’s what you might’ve missed!


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Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.

Upcoming Dragoons Events

Other Conventions & Events

Much more coming about the Origins events locations & exhibitors tomorrow




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5News 11 Pros

Focusing on the practitioner world ~ don’t forget about our dedicated area in our forums for the wargame professionals!



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5News 12 different

Something neat from outside the wargaming world we thought was worth sharing

So here’s one of the worst D-Day graphics you’re likely to see.



That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

Thank you for visiting The Armchair Dragoons and mounting up with the Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
You can find our regiment’s social media on MastodonFacebook, Twxtter, YouTube, and even Threads, if we could ever get an auto-post to it.
(We have an Instagram page and it’s really just a placeholder & redirect to our articles.)
You can support The Armchair Dragoons through our Patreon, also, and find us at a variety of conventions and other events.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.


  1. 3rd Thursday of the month
  2. Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

View all posts by Armchair Dragoons PAO →

2 thoughts on “Where Did *That* Come From? ~ #TuesdayNewsday

  1. The Vonnegut game has a long and convoluted history: here’s an exchange that started 12 years ago.

    In 2008 my late friend John Kula tried to liberate the rules and descriptions of the game from the Lilly Library that holds Vonnegut’s papers and got the literary-executor runaround. See page 3 of the thread above.

    Apparently Vonnegut tried to shop the game to a toy company that mostly made jigsaw puzzles, but no dice (no dice in this game either).

    SDHistcon: It hasn’t been added to the schedule yet, but Rex Brynen and I will be discussing We Are Coming, Nineveh with Harold Buchanan at 0700 PST Saturday. At least, we will start there and move to other difficult topics.

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