January 24, 2025

Welcome to Fall! ~ #TuesdayNewsday 9/5/23

Every week, #TuesdayNewsday sifts through the strategy gaming world to dig out the headlines


We told y’all last week to come join us for the show, and we had everyone from Ardwulf to Moe to Chris Weuve to Cyrano stop by and join us, along with a bunch of our fellow Dragoons, as Brant, Mike, and Rocky toasted to 5 years in the saddle on our anniversary happy hour



Connections UK 2023 is underway over in Merry Ol’ England and includes a guided tour of Sandhurst among plenty of other cool events



The Fall Assembly is coming!

FA23 Forum Header

Registration & events are both live for the Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023.
We’ve got around 20 scheduled events, with plenty of empty table-space for pickup games in between.  We’ve got multi-session monster games, smaller 2-player shootouts, playtest/pre-release games, and learn-to-play classics.

We’ve got designers Hermann Luttmann, Bruce Maxwell, and Keith Tracton all joining us and showing off their games, as well as playing some other games with us.

Current Confirmed Game Sessions

FA23 montage

Convention Details

  • We’re being hosted by The Gamer’s Armory, and they’re planning to open early on Sunday just for us, so we can get an additional game session or two in, before the general public gets in the doors
  • Update: we’re over halfway sold out
    Badges are $40 for the weekend, which include some munchies, custom Armchair Dragoons swag, and whatever other prizes or giveaways we’re able to gather before the event.
  • Attendance is capped on this one because of the limited floorspace we’ve got inside the store and we want to make sure every player gets plenty of time on the tables.
  • As noted on the convention site, we do not have a hotel attached to the facility. You can find local hotels here.
  • As a reminder, Regimental Patron-level Patreon supporters get a free badge for all Armchair Dragoons-hosted events.



TN montage 9 5 23Games released in the past week that you’ll want to check out



Crowdfunding, p500, pledge programs, whatevs yo! ~ if you can order it now & get it later, here it is



Here to help you save a few bucks, or, y’know… spend more than you were planning if it wasn’t for a good deal



There’s always something going on with The Dragoons, so we’ve always got plenty to tell you about!

We’ll start recording new episodes of Mentioned in Dispatches in about 2 weeks and stack up a few before we start unleashing them



Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.


Our fellow content creators from the wargaming world



Various news & notes from the business end of the gaming world

  • Dicebreaker has an interesting article about increases in tabletop game play from before vs after COVID, but (1) they play a little fast-&-loose with some statistics, and (2) no mention from the original research about how tabletop gaming was trending before COVID
  • Avalanche Press has an article making (ie, “physically constructing”) your own counters from print-&-play files
  • Decision Games are looking for a graphics person
    Due to our plans to increase our boxed game publication schedule, a full-time in-house graphic design position is open. Ability and experience in creating magazine layout, magazine map graphics, game components, and web design is expected.
     Anyone interested can contact Callie at calliecummins@decisiongames.com for more information and how to apply.




Hey, we’d LOVE to have some more action in the dedicated area of our forums for the wargame practitioners.




Something neat from outside the wargaming world we thought was worth sharing


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

Thank you for visiting The Armchair Dragoons and mounting up with the Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
You can find our regiment’s social media on MastodonFacebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even Threads, if we could ever get an auto-post to it.
(We have an Instagram page and it’s really just a placeholder & redirect to our articles.)
You can support The Armchair Dragoons through our Patreon, also, and find us at a variety of conventions and other events.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.

In a world of wargaming so grand,
Tuesdays, news spreads ‘cross the land,
Updates each week,
For battles we seek,
On the tabletops, forces will stand!


  1. can you name all the songs/albums featured on the box covers?
  2. the third in their Fleets of the Second Great War sourcebook series
  3. 3rd Thursday of the month
  4. seriously, we first covered this game on another site in Oct ’17

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

View all posts by Armchair Dragoons PAO →

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