The Armchair Dragoons’ #TuesdayNewsday is the weekly update you need to stay in-the-know on the strategy gaming world
We started releasing the initial splash of content around our joint survey with Beyond Solitaire, covering the community’s favorite solo/solitaire wargames. We dropped a blitz of content on Friday, with more coming this week
- Our article, including the complete list of all games that received votes in the survey
- We launched season 11 of the podcast with an episode on the survey, w/ Liz & BBMike
- Beyond Solitaire released a video w/ Brant, ZillaBlitz, and Mike from the One-Stop Co-op Shop
- There’s a BGG Geeklist of the top of the survey, and as you can see, it was #1 on the hotness over the weekend
So the dataset with all the games is out there, and people are encouraged & invited to crunch their own data on the list, whether it’s based on publishers, years the games were released, or whatever else.
🎲🏒 Our hockey jersey re-order is still up and time’s running out! 🏒🎲
We need to get this in quickly b/c it’s hockey season prep time, and we’ve got literally hundreds of other actual hockey teams wanting to get their orders in, too.
Total cost (including US shipping) is $70; we’re not planning on any overseas shipping b/c of the unpredictability of shipping / customs costs.
We need a minimum of 20 orders to launch and we’re a little under halfway there, so please get those orders in ASAP
Deadline is 10/6/23

Fall Assembly countdown: 24 days to go!
Registration & events are both live for the Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023.
We’ve got around 20 scheduled events, with plenty of empty table-space for pickup games in between. We’ve got multi-session monster games, smaller 2-player shootouts, playtest/pre-release games, and learn-to-play classics.
You can read our event previews here
Current Confirmed Game Sessions
Open table gaming, In-store discounts, livestreams from the con Designers Hermann Luttmann, Bruce Maxwell, Keith Tracton …munchies, custom Armchair Dragoons swag, and other prizes & giveaways |
Convention Details
Games released in the past week that you’ll want to check out
- It’s sooooooooo not a wargame, but Hollandspiele’s Velocirapture is both (1) cool, and (2) from a great company, so we’re including it
- The Fall of Tobruk: Rommel’s Greatest Victory from Compass Games is now being spotted in the wild
- The Longest Trench is a new strat-level WW1 game from UGG being sold in the US by GMT
- MMP has started shipping TCS Goose Green to pre-orders and the rest of the world should seem them not long after that
- Horns of the Buffalo1 is a new Bill Molyneaux game, from Blue Panther instead of Bill’s previous POD supplier
- Graviteam Tactics new Stalemate on Donets just launched on Steam and you can save 10% if you snag it before 10/1
- Tabletop Tycoon has slow-rolled their re-releases of some older VPG classics (at least the ones they bothered to keep) so it’s not a surprise we almost missed the recent re-release of the linkable States of Siege classics
- War Diary Magazine has released the new Blade & Bow: The Ancient World at War you can find on their game page
- GMT has charged for the following, and will be shipping shortly
Crowdfunding, p500, pledge programs, whatevs yo! ~ if you can order it now & get it later, here it is
- There’s a new Team Yankee hardcover on pre-order, the World War III: NATO Forces book, which is going to be supported by a bunch of fall releases across a bunch of different nationalities
- Osprey Games are taking pre-orders on With Hot Lead and Cold Steel, minis rules for the ACW
- Now that they’re about to arrive in port, Decision put out a last call on Axis Empires and Sea Lion at their pre-order prices
- Free League has the Ad Astra campaign book for their Mutant: Year Zero game on pre-order through their own site
- 🤬 MMP waiting until we hit “post” to announce their newest pre-order, for the next issue of The Skirmisher. Bastards.
- TS Wargames now taking pre-orders on Poltava 1709
- Legion Wargames’ most recent newsletter included mention of 3 new CPO games
- Not to be left out of the pre-order frenzy, Ares Games announced a couple of expansions for Fighters of the Pacific
- GMT announced a bunch of new p500s in their monthly update last week
Here to help you save a few bucks, or, y’know… spend more than you were planning if it wasn’t for a good deal
- Easy Roller Dice Company will hook you up with a free dice bag2 if you order any adventure box; put both in your cart and then use coupon code ADV2023 at checkout and you get the $15 bag for free
- Bundle of Holding has a Flying Circus special right now, if you wanted a WW1 biplane combat RPG, but, y’know… with dragons ‘n shit
- Avalanche Press has some scuffed copies of Gazala 1942 from the back of their warehouse on sale for $10 off
- Ventonuovo Games has an even more-limited stock of Moscow ’41 that they’re selling at 42% off in a desperate plea to unload them
- Miniature Market has GMT’s Border Rievers at over $20 off right now
- If you missed Die Festung Hamburg, you can get one from Noble Knight, but you first need to decide which kidney you want to part with
There’s always something going on with The Dragoons, so we’ve always got plenty to tell you about!
- Saturday Night Fights ~ The Battle of Borodino (III) for “Blucher”
- Solo & Solitaire Wargaming & Historical Gaming Survey Results
- Combat Mission: Fortress Italy on Steam ~ First Impressions
- Mentioned in Dispatches Season 11 Ep 1 ~ Solo Wargaming Survey With Beyond Solitaire
- The Grand “Champions of Krynn” AAR ~ Part Twenty
- This week was #UnboxingDay!
- North Africa ’41 by GMT Games
- Shattering the Shenanddoah with Conquering the Valley: Cross Keys/Port Republic by Tiny Battle Publishing
- Time War by Yaquinto Publications, Inc.
- D100 Space
- Where’s Stormin’ Norman? DESERT STORM: The Hundred Hour War
- Combat! Volume 1 (2nd Printing) by Compass Games
- Year of the Rat by SPI
- Fire in the Sky by Phalanx Games
- Gameplay this week
- This week in our forums
- Reinvigorated discussion of the Blind Swords system
- Looking forward to Millenia from Paradox, another historical 4X game
- A Krull re-boot? Really?
- Upcoming Dragoons Events (and don’t forget to check the event calendar for everything else)
- Wargame Days at The Gamer’s Armory in Cary, NC ~ 1 October and 5 November
- Next #UnboxingDay3 will be 19 October
- Next virtual event is The 2024 ACDC, 12-14 January 2024
- Next live event is The Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023, 20-22 October 2023, The Gamer’s Armory, Cary NC
Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.
- 24-28 September World Series of Board Gaming (Las Vegas)
- 1-8 October ASLOK (Cleveland, OH)
- 5-8 October EssenSpiel (Essen, Germany)
- 12-15 October GMT Weekend at the Warehouse (Hanford CA)
- 19-22 October GameHoleCon (Madison WI)
- 20-22 October The Inaugural Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023 (Cary, NC)
- 27-29 October Carnage Royale (Dover VT)
- 3-5 November Rock-Con (Rockford IL)
Our fellow content creators from the wargaming world
- Rocky has been on the road
- Moe’s got Whiskey Charlie on the air tonight!
- Mad Padre played through Burma: The Forgotten War
- Gimpy poked around the new Combat Mission: Fortress Italy
- Ardwulf’s counter clipping stream is labeled “Yaquinto & Battleline” and actually talked about recent updates from Decision, GMT, and morons on BGG
Various news & notes from the business end of the gaming world
- Hollandspiele released a short video explaining their price increases, along with some other company tidbits
- FryxGames shot themselves in the foot about the use of AI art in their upcoming Terraforming Mars Kickstarter and then reloaded and shot at the other foot in subsequent interviews and there’s some good followup in this ICv2 column
- Looking to play some solo stuff online? Feather River College has a few hosted on their school server here
#crowdfunding #boardgames #education
Off with His Head: Rules layout almost complete.
LC:IP/1979 – finishing up at the factory.
Kremlin – politician layout underway, nearing time for the factory.
LC: Baltic: Well…—->— Dietz Foundation (@FoundationDietz) September 25, 2023
Hey, we’d LOVE to have some more action in the dedicated area of our forums for the wargame practitioners.
- War on the Rocks looks at Where The Wargames Weren’t: Assessing 10 Years Of U.S.-Chinese Military Assessments
- Update those ORBATs! Ukrainian M-1s are heading to the front soon
- The next GUWS webinar is Luke Hughes discussing Cardboard Meets Bits, Designing a WWII Tactical Leadership cRPG where he’ll likely cover the long-discussed-but-yet-to-materialize Burden of Command on 10/3, and on 10/30 you can tune into Accelerating Organizational Change Through Games
- PaxSims shows you what’s coming in the next episode of Simulation & Gaming
- From our Connections Online livestream archive – megagaming!
Something neat from outside the wargaming world we thought was worth sharing
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
Thank you for visiting The Armchair Dragoons and mounting up with the Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
You can find our regiment’s social media on Mastodon, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even Threads, if we could ever get an auto-post to it.
(We have an Instagram page and it’s really just a placeholder & redirect to our articles.)
You can support The Armchair Dragoons through our Patreon, also, and find us at a variety of conventions and other events.
Feel free to talk back to us either in our discussion forum, or in the comments below.
In a world of wargaming so grand,
Tuesdays, news spreads ‘cross the land,
Updates each week,
For battles we seek,
On the tabletops, forces will stand!