February 18, 2025

Solo Wargaming Research & Counting Down to Fall Assembly ~ #TuesdayNewsday 7/25/23

The Armchair Dragoons’ #TuesdayNewsday is the required update for in-the-know strategy gamers


We are co-sponsoring a research project with Beyond Solitaire

Beyond Research SplashHello, solo gamers! 

Many of us are omnigamers who enjoy a wide range of solo games, but I think solo historical and wargames don’t get as much love as they deserve. Every year, I love commenting on the People’s Choice Top 200 list, but also spend a lot of time complaining about how my favorite games keep falling further down the list, and further out of the public eye. 

So, Brant from Armchair Dragoons & I have partnered up to try something new—we are putting together a “People’s Choice Top 20” list of solo historical games, and we want you to help us out by telling us your favorites! 

“Historical” is a term we have deliberately chosen to allow a wide array of games to be considered. Your nominees can be traditional wargames, conflict simulations, or games that actively engage with history in some way. (A game with a pasted-on historical theme should not be included here.)

By “solo games,” we truly mean games that you enjoy on your own. No official solo mode is required—wargamers commonly play multiple sides against each other. Just make sure that if you put a game on your ballot, you do it because you actually enjoy playing it by yourself. 

If you want to participate, please fill out the Google Form linked here. We will be leaving it open through 12:00 PM EST on August 31, 2023. Once we have closed the form, we will crunch the data, prepare some fun commentary on the results, and publish the list for everyone to enjoy. 

Thanks for joining us in this new project, and happy gaming!

Liz (Beyond Solitaire)

We’re over 100 responses just since we launched it yesterday



The Fall Assembly is coming!

FA23 Forum Header

Registration is not yet live, but the initial information for our Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023 is up and running.  We need to get a few coordination points ironed out, and then we’ll be able to open up the event registration for everyone.  If you’re interested in being a GM, drop a line in our forums, or shoot Brant a message

  • Badges are $40 for the weekend, which include some munchies, custom Armchair Dragoons swag, and whatever other prizes or giveaways we’re able to gather before the event.
  • Attendance is capped on this one because of the limited floorspace we’ve got inside the store and we want to make sure every player gets plenty of time on the tables.
  • Gamer’s Armory is planning to open early on Sunday just for us, so we can get an additional game session or two in, before the general public gets in the doors.
  • As noted on the convention site, we do not have a hotel attached to the facility.  You can find local hotels here.  We’re looking into a potential block deal with some local hotels, but with the State Fair in town it’s tough.
  • As a reminder, Regimental Patron-level Patreon supporters get a free badge for all Armchair Dragoons-hosted events.



New games released in the past week that you’ll find interestingTN 7 25 23



Crowdfunding or pre-orders ~ if you can pre-order it now, here it is

TN Thunderbolt banner1



Stretch your budget a little further with these deals



What were the Dragoons up to this past week?



Our fellow content creators from the wargaming world



News & notes from the business end of the gaming world



Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.



Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.



Something neat from outside the wargaming world we thought was worth sharing

Take a (virtual) boat ride through Norway


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

In the weekly wargaming news,
We focus on info you can use,
From tabletop to digits,
And the occasional fidgets,
Missing it would give you the blues!


  1. 3rd Thursday of the month

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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