February 18, 2025

What Would’ve Been An Origins Preview – #TuesdayNewsday 5/10/22

Every week, #TuesdayNewsday is the intel briefing you need to keep up with the strategy gaming world


The Origins event listings were supposed to be released on 5/9.  Like everything else this year, it’s behind.  Some of this might be due to the changeover to Tabletop.events and some of it might be the shorter horizon from O’21 (October) to O’22 (June). Some of it might just be the usual GAMA inanity.  Whatever the reason, the information that attendees need to plan their convention time is late, and that sucks.

The Other Headline

Closing out Connections Online 2022 with our After Action Report and the updated archive page with the videos for you to watch after-the-fact.  We’ll probably have some more Connections Online follow-up over the next 2 months or so; watch this space.
Remember that there’s always room for discussion on the professional wargaming side in our forums



  • Compass has officially released / started shipping their new version of The Russian Campaign
  • Gamer’s Armory has another after-market ASL scenario pack Wacht am Rhein 2nd Ed. Volume 2
  • Acies Edizioni has Novi 1799 “mega bundle”, with Novi 1799, Moravian Sun, and Wise Bayonets
  • 2GM Pacific has been re-released by Draco Ideas
  • Steve Jackson Games released a couple of “scapes” – Hexscape and Squarescape – for minis adventure terrain. It’s a jazzed up version of the old HeroScape terrain that’s interlocking, and includes the .stl files to print more as you like
  • Steve Jackson also released the Girl Genius RPG based on the Foglio’s graphic novel series of gaslamp fantasy

















We’ve also got a 4X-specific area in the forums to discuss any of these, too.

  • Songs of Conquest releases onto Steam Early Access today (trailer).  A turn-based strategy/RPG from developer Lavapotion, the game is an homage to the Heroes of Might & Magic series and other classic fantasy games from the 90’s.This one initially slipped past our radar, but Timeline, a historical turn-based 4x, has released as well.  Its simple visuals hide what appears to be a fairly deep game, and without being overly complex.
  • Releasing later this year, developer Praxis Games has announced Evolving Empires [trailer], the second expansion for Interstellar Space: Genesis, their underrated turn-based space 4x.  Set to drop  alongside the new expansion is the accompanying free 1.4 update, which is currently available to Steam players via beta.
  • The official 1.04 update is now available for Remnants of the Precursors, the free-to-play/own modernization of the original Master of Orion game from developer Ray Fowler.  The patch adds Hungarian translation, as well as including numerous bug fixes and UI fixes.  (You can download the game here.)
  • Slitherine/Matrix released the official update for Distant Worlds 2, their massive space 4x released back in February.  While the game has continued to struggle with problems since its troubled launch, this patch appears to resolve a lot of the technical issues many players have experienced in trying to play or run the game.
  • Speaking of troubled launches…  After weeks of delay, Creative Assembly finally released their roadmap (such as it is) for Warhammer 3.  Reaction among the player community has been…animated, to say the least.



Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.



That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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2 thoughts on “What Would’ve Been An Origins Preview – #TuesdayNewsday 5/10/22

  1. I am a retail games store owner in Western Canada….opened my current store as a retirement activity …but had my first store back in 1979!!!early days of board wargaming. Think you have a first class newsletter…pls make sure I get a regular notice of future issues…

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