January 22, 2025

The CSR Committees ~ #TuesdayNewsday 1/31/23

#TuesdayNewsday is your weekly recon into the headlines of the strategy gaming world


The official press release from the CSR committee reads:

The Board of Governors of the Charles S. Roberts Awards is pleased to announce the composition of its nominating Committee for the Awards Year 2022 (i.e. for games released in 2022), as well as its 2022 Clausewitz Hall of Fame Jury. We are exceptionally happy to include a wide variety of distinguished voices within the wargaming community, and we know they bring a diverse array of insights, both green and veteran, to this process.

The members of the Charles S. Roberts Awards 2022 Nominating Committee are:

  • Dan Bullock is the designer of 1979: Revolution in Iran, a 2021 release from the Dietz Foundation, as well as the acclaimed No Motherland Without, released by Compass Games.
  • Robert Carroll is a CSR Board Member, served as an intelligence officer with the CIA, and is the host of the YouTube channel KilroyWasHere, which itself has received multiple nominations for CSR Awards.
  • Elizabeth Davidson holds a PhD from Yale University and teaches Classics at the High School level. An experienced wargamer and commenter within the wargaming space, she hosts the podcast and YouTube channel Beyond Solitaire.
  • Steven Dolges is a working professional, graduate student, experienced wargamer, and hosts an eponymous YouTube channel.
  • Sean Druelinger is the developer of Nations at War 2.0, designer of the LnL Tactical Solo system, and designer of Point Blank V is for Victory.
  • Maurice “Moe” Fitzgerald is a veteran, both of the United States Marine Corps and the wargaming  hobby. He is also a CSR Award Nominee and the host of the YouTube Channel Moe’s Gaming Table.
  • Jeff “Hexy” Frye is an experienced wargamer and host of the YouTube channel Hex2Hex.
  • Brant Guillory is a US Army veteran, game designer and former head of BayonetGames, the current head of The Armchair Dragoons, and has over 40 years of wargaming experience, with 20 of them as a writer, designer or reviewer.
  • Morgane Gouyon-Rety hails from France. She is the designer of the acclaimed Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain, which placed third in the 2017 Golden Geek Awards, as well as the upcoming Hubris: Twilight of the Hellenistic World, both from GMT Games.
  • Ryan Heilman is a CSR Board Member, game designer/developer, and CSR Award winner. His most recent design is Ginormopod 2050 A.D.: Attack of the Giant Bug Monsters, available from Hollandspiele.
  • Mark Herman is a game designer. A veteran of both SPI and Victory Games, he has designed wargames for many other publishers as well. His most recent release is Pacific War, published by GMT Games and a re-release and update of the legendary 1987 Victory Games classic. 
  • Lawrence Hung splits his time between the US West Coast and Hong Kong. He is a CSR Board member and experienced wargamer.
  • Riccardo Masini is a wargamer since the mid-80s, author of several essays about history and gaming, regular game magazine contributor and also host of the most followed Italian wargaming YouTube channel, WLOG
  • Jason Matthews is the co-designer of Twilight Struggle, Imperial Struggle, both from GMT Games, and is a multiple CSR Award winner and nominee.
  • Gary “Ardwulf” Mengle is the Director of the Charles S. Roberts Awards and hosts the YouTube channel Ardwulf’s Lair. He has been playing tabletop wargames since approximately 1980, and hearing himself talk about wargames is one of his favorite pastimes.
  • Jim Owczarski, a.k.a. “Cyrano”, a.k.a. “TheGascon”, a.k.a “le Chef des Napoléoniens” is a veteran of every type of wargaming. He regularly referees old-school kriegsspiels, has apparently played every Napoleonic game, and hosts a YouTube Channel featuring live gaming using Tabletop Simulator.
  • Nate “Gimpy” Rogers is a CSR Award Nominee, served two combat tours with the USMC in Iraq, and received the Purple Heart after being wounded by a land mine. He is an avid, experienced wargamer. He runs the YouTube channel TheGimpyGamer, which he sometimes co-hosts with his wife, Gimpy’s Gal.
  • Frédéric Serval is the designer of the 2021 CSR Award winner, Red Flag Over Paris, and a former CSR Board member. He is also the host of the Homo Ludens You Tube Channel.

Additionally, the Director is honored to be joined on the 2022 Clausewitz Hall of Fame Jury by two renowned designers:

  • John H. Butterfield, Clausewitz Hall of Fame inductee (2009), is a designer perhaps best known for RAF (originally published in 1986 by West End Games and since republished in many editions), his acclaimed Enemy Action series from Compass Games, the similarly revered D-Day series from Decision Games, and the recent SpaceCorp and its expansion from GMT Games.
  • Marc W. Miller, Clausewitz Hall of Fame inductee (1981), is a game designer and novelist perhaps best known for Traveller (GDW, 1977), Imperium (Conflict Games/GDW, 1977) and Triplanetary (GDW, 1973), but who also boast many historical credits from his years at GDW. He was one of the founders of the legendary Game Designers’ Workshop, and continues to publish under his own Imperial Sunburst banner as Far Future Enterprises.

(OK, we put in our own bullet formatting, but the text is all the same)



Origins event submission deadline was today.  Once we hear about the 60+ events we submitted, we’ll let you know.



What’s shipped this past week that you’ll find interesting



Crowdfunding or pre-orders ~ if you can order it now, here it is



Save a few bucks with these deals



What’s happened with the Dragoons this past week

Don’t forget we’ve got Dragoons logo merchandise over at CafePress. It’s as cheap as they’ll let us price it, and the long-sleeve shirts have been spotted at plenty of wargaming conventions over the past 18 months.



Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.

  • 8-12 February GameON! (Seattle, WA) which includes WW3Fest and a lot of support from Lock ‘n Load Publishing
  • 17-26 February Winterfest (Sandusky, OH)
  • 17-20 February DunDraCon 46 (Santa Clara, CA)
  • 20-26 February Prezcon (Charlottesville, VA)



Other great content creators from the wargaming world



News & notes from the business end of the gaming world



Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.


Wargaming is a proven technique to examine warfighting concepts, train and educate leaders, explore scenarios, and assess how force planning and posture choices affect campaign outcomes. Our wargaming scenarios will incorporate the full array of all-domain capabilities, ensuring our leaders can understand the meaning of risks and opportunities presented. We must ensure that the outcomes of our wargames feedback into concept development, with a focus on validation or appropriate adjustments to the concepts.

MCU and Training Command use wargaming to familiarize students with evolving Marine Corps concepts and train decision-makers in fighting a thinking enemy. The new Marine Corps Wargaming & Analysis Center, now under construction at Marine Corps Base Quantico, will substantially increase our capacity to conduct wargames and campaign analysis. The close working relationship and physical proximity of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory’s (MCWL) Wargaming Division and MCU’s Krulak Center has already enabled mutually supporting and beneficial relationships that advance our force design wargaming and experimentation needs, while simultaneously enhancing the training and education of our leaders against a peer threat.




Something neat from outside the wargaming world we wanted to share with you


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.



  1. 3rd Thursday of the month

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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