February 10, 2025

#TheACDC Is This Weekend ~ #TuesdayNewsday 1/10/23

Our newly-rebooted weekly #TuesdayNewsday digs into the strategy gaming headlines for you


The ACDC is this weekend, and we’ve got plenty of great events for you to check out.  Here’s the event grid, but to register for specific events, you still need a badge for the convention, and then pick your games from there

Event NameEvent TypeMax TicketsStartsDuration (minutes)Event Platform
Squadron Strike: Newton's Cradle Teaching GameGame Session3Friday at 10:00180ASCBI.net
Squadron Strike: Romance of the Seven Realms Teaching GameGame Session3Friday at 16:00180ASCBI.net
Boardgame Bootcamp - Learn to Use Discord, VASSAL, TTSGame Session6Friday at 16:00180Discord
World At War: Blood & FuryGame Session4Friday at 17:00240Tabletop Simulator
Judean HammerGame Session4Friday at 18:00120Tabletop Simulator
Song for War: Mediterranean TheaterGame Session4Friday at 18:00240Tabletopia
Blucher "Battle of the Mincio River" Game Session4Friday at 19:00180Tabletop Simulator
Welcome Happy HourSeminar500Friday at 19:0090YouTube
Ginormopod 2050 ADGame Session2Friday at 20:00120VASSAL
Professional Wargaming with the Center for Naval AnalysisSeminar500Friday at 21:00120YouTube
Introduction to Kriegsspiel with the IKSGame Session7Saturday at 08:00240Discord
Learn to Play Great Campaigns of the American Civil WarGame Session4Saturday at 09:00240VASSAL
Wake Up With The DragoonsSeminar500Saturday at 09:00120Discord
Point Blank: V Is For VictoryGame Session4Saturday at 10:00180Tabletop Simulator
Twilight: 2000, Roleplaying in the Future That Never WasGame Session4Saturday at 10:00240Discord
Squadron Strike: Newton's Cradle Teaching GameGame Session3Saturday at 10:00180ASCBI.net
Boardgame Bootcamp - Learn to Use Discord, VASSAL, TTSGame Session6Saturday at 10:00180Discord
Campaign: Fall BlauGame Session4Saturday at 11:00120Tabletop Simulator
Sebastian Bae & the Littoral Commander WargameSeminar500Saturday at 11:00120YouTube
Memoir '44 Operation Market GardenGame Session6Saturday at 13:00240Tabletop Simulator
Introduction to Combat CommanderGame Session12Saturday at 13:00120VASSAL
Robotech: ReconstructionGame Session4Saturday at 14:00180Tabletop Simulator
Bruce Maxwell and Air & ArmorSeminar500Saturday at 15:00120YouTube
Littoral CommanderGame Session4Saturday at 15:00180VASSAL
Introduction to Commands & Colors: AncientsGame Session12Saturday at 16:0090VASSAL
Lonely CairnGame Session2Saturday at 17:00120Tabletop Simulator
Pushing Cardboard Interviews Harold BuchananSeminar500Saturday at 17:00120YouTube
Land and Freedom: The Spanish Revolution and Civil WarGame Session3Saturday at 19:00120Tabletop Simulator
Barkmann's Corner Overdrive for "What A Tanker!"Game Session4Saturday at 20:00240Tabletop Simulator
Wake Up With The DragoonsSeminar500Sunday at 09:00120Discord
Jutland - Run To The SouthGame Session8Sunday at 10:00240Discord
Washington Naval Treaty 100th AnniversarySeminar500Sunday at 11:0060YouTube
Land and Freedom: The Spanish Revolution and Civil WarGame Session3Sunday at 12:00120Tabletop Simulator
The Inchon InvasionSeminar500Sunday at 12:0060YouTube
Sinking of USS Scorpion: History, Fact, and FictionSeminar500Sunday at 13:0060YouTube
Robotech: ReconstructionGame Session4Sunday at 13:00180Tabletop Simulator
Air & Armor Detailed Turn DemoGame Session12Sunday at 13:00120Discord
Ginormopod 2050 ADGame Session2Sunday at 14:00120VASSAL
Squadron Strike: Romance of the Seven Realms Teaching GameGame Session3Sunday at 16:00180ASCBI.net
Farewell to the ACDCSeminar500Sunday at 17:00120YouTube
Rebels and Patriots AWI for 2-4 playersGame Session4Sunday at 19:00180Tabletop Simulator



Once we’re past The ACDC, we’re going to start ramping up for Connections Online 2023.  The theme is “The Enemy Gets A Vote” and will focus on red-teaming.  This distributed online conference is focused on the professional/practitioner world, and brings together wargamers of all stripes to improve the art, science, and application of wargaming for serious purposes.



What’s shipped this past week that you’ll find interesting

Sample graphics from Innocence Lost by High Flying Dice



Crowdfunding or pre-orders ~ if you can order it now, here it is



Save a few bucks with these deals



What’s happened with the Dragoons this past week



Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.



Other great content creators from the wargaming world




We’ve also got a 4X-specific area in the forums to discuss any of these, too.

  • After half a year of development in Early-Access, the full release version of Chaos Galaxy 2 is now out.  Described by developer Han Zhiyu as a “retro-style” grand-strategy game, and claiming major influences from older titles such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Advance Wars, Chaos Galaxy 2 allows the player to wield a diverse array of units — including warships, mechs, and monsters — in their bid to wrest control of the galaxy from amongst a dozen different factions.
  • In their ongoing post-release support of the new Master of Magic, publisher Slitherine and developer Muha Games have released an open beta for the new 1.06.18 update, which is immediately available to those who have the game installed on Steam.  In addition, Muha recently sent out a newsletter, in which they include a short/intermediate-term roadmap regarding future support & development for Master of Magic.
  • Arcen Games dropped a “New Year’s” patch for AI War 2 this past week (link).  The 5.532 update includes a variety of bug-fixes and balance improvements, along with a good chunk of work done on some of the official mods.



News & notes from the business end of the gaming world

  • This week, Avalanche Press breaks down how to play their SWWAS series with their Coral Sea game
  • Wargame Design Studio gives their audience a “year in review” for 2023
  • Lock ‘n Load Publishing had their “breaking news” live update last night, including mention of bringing a bunch pre-press / preview stuff that they’ll be showing off at GameON!



Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.



Something neat from outside the wargaming world we wanted to share with you



That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.



  1. 3rd Thursday of the month

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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