Every week, #TuesdayNewsday brings you the headlines in wargaming and the strategy gaming world >>>
This Week’s Headline:
The Army is holding a wargaming challenge, and it’s open to non-military audiences, too.
Want to beat up some soldiers on a digital battlefield?
Newly Released This Week:
- MMP has a pair of new ASL scenario packs for you: Action Pack #16: From the Land Down Under, and Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #12
- Officially released on 2/28, Compass Games is still offering The Doomsday Project: Episode One at the preorder price ($20 off)
- Catalyst Game Labs has released a handful of new BattleTech books, and the Technical Readout: Irregulars looks kind of cool. After all, that’s kind of how the Gray Death Legion started.
- S&T #327 should be available to everyone now, with the Suwalki Gap game about a Russian invasion of the Baltics, and the NATO response.
- Yes, there is a Peaky Blinders card game. Yes, you know you want it.
News From The Wargame Industry:
- Lock’n Load’s Twitter feed was abuzz on Monday, with announcements of four new LNLT DLC’s, including LNLT’s first foray into the Space Infantry universe, and, yes, (sigh) a zombie game.
- Avalanche Press has a sale going on their naval wargaming books.
- S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is Forgotten Pacific Battles, a solitaire set of “Fire & Movement” series games with a handful of different scenarios from “World at War” #71
- Brian Train has made available through digital download, some old issues of “Strategist” magazine that he edited, including some older, rather simple games that you can print-&-play.
- Someone else is chuckling at this, right? Just us? Hello? Ah, well….
Newly Launched This Week:
- GMT went a little nutty with their last monthly update – that always seems to come in the day after we get our weekly Tuesday Newsday bulletin out the door – and announced four new p500 games (in addition to their usual p500 reprints)
- Vietnam: 1965-1975, GMT Edition – a reprint of the old VG classic
- Hannibal’s Revenge – not tied in with the new NBC drama “Clarice”
- Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign – because there was a shortage of Bulge games in the world
- Mons, 1914: The Mad Minute – using the same system as their earlier Gallipoli game
- CSL also has a Mons game on pre-order: At Villers Cottérêts: Mons 1914 that is estimated to be released this quarter.
- THere’s a Victorian-age expansion for Mage: The Ascension in case you wanted to cross magic with steampunk and not do it in the Castle Falkenstein world.
- Legion Wargames is taking preorders on Road to Cheren about the 1941 East African campaign, with the Allied invasion of Eritrea
New from the Dragoons:
Classic reviews! #TBT went back to the classic North German Plain ’85 by HPS Simulations, helping us keep alive older articles that have been shit-canned by other ‘wargaming’ sites.
- Saturday Night Fights continued the Lasalle 2 fight for Project: Quatre Bras
- My Own Worst Enemy goes back to The Great Crisis of Frederick II
- Is Robin Hood a wargame? Sure!
- Brant’s playthrough of The White Tribe hits episode #4.
- Mentioned in Dispatches welcomed 2 new guests to discuss the nuts & bolts of online conventions.
Something From Our Partners:
- Moe digs into No Motherland Without.
- Ardwulf had a counter-clipping stream talking about whether or not we should continue to republish old games.
- RMN spends some time with the boys playing the new Back to the Future boardgame.
The Professional Wargaming World:
- Dr Yuna Wong managed to get a discussion of wargaming on TV! The Government Matters television show in the NOVA/DC area interviewed her about the recent piece in War On The Rocks she co-authored.
- This week, GUWS has a discussion of Counterfire, a simple game that was developed by 1ID(M) DIVARTY. Next week, it’s Dr Ellie Bartels talking about social sciences in wargaming. Oh, and they just added one this summer about Wakanda!
- It’s an older article, but somehow we missed this column on “Wargaming the Role of Law in War”
This Week on Six Degrees of Radio:
A look at some great music from the past 40 60–odd years, with stories about the different songs.
- “The Other Song” Week: Some Day We’ll Know by New Radicals
- “The Other Song” Week: She Runs Away by Duncan Sheik
- Waiting for an Alibi by Thin Lizzy
- Hey Jealousy by Gin Blossoms
- Divine Thing by Soup Dragons
“The Other Song” Week celebrates the attempted follow-up singles for bands largely regarded at one-hit wonders.
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.