3 March 2023
A full house on this episode, as Brant, Mike, Michael, and Wayne Hansen get together to discuss solo wargaming, and yes, we’re aware of the irony.
Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.
So let’s bring together the guys from My Own Worst Enemy and Solosaurus to join our guest and talk about the solo wargaming experience, tower defense games vs narrative procedurals, games that claim solo compatibility but really aren’t, and how much agency the player has in a game.
Do you play many wargames solo? If so, do you use a dedicated solo mode with some form of procedural AI, or do you just ‘two-hand’ the game and play as best you can? How much of your wargaming is solo vs opposed? Talk back to us below in the comments, or pop into our forums.
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We’re still a few reviews short of iTunes recommending us in their podcast engine, and every rating helps. Thanks!
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