February 6, 2025

Mentioned in Dispatches Season 8 Ep 6 ~ Game Conventions!

11 March 2022 ~

Another Mentioned in Dispatches debut, as Justin (of the Justegarde YouTube channel) joins the show to talk all about game conventions, including a bunch that he’s attended out there on the left coast, that we don’t ever get to cover because we’re too busy out here with our own.  Oh, and this is the podcast where we finally get out of sequence this season, too.

Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.

So we talk about Game On! and BottosCon and the various StrategiCons out there, as well the ‘holy grails’ of GMT’s Weekend at the Warehouse and CSW Expo in Arizona.  We poke fun at the timing of GMT’s monthly newsletters, and whether or not “thinning out your collection” is actually a thing or not.  There’s some talk of the East coast shows, too, with mentions of Origins, WashingCon, BGF, and others.
And don’t forget (as apparently everyone but Ardwulf has) that our convention & event calendar collects pretty much every wargaming and wargame-adjacent event we can scrounge up onto one master synch matrix.

maceLogoThere is also some extended discussion of MACE and its founder Jeff Smith.  At the time we recorded this, Jeff had announced his cancer diagnosis, but had not committed to anything related to MACE other than to confirm MACE West was going to happen.  Since we recoded this show, Jeff Smith sadly left us for the great game table in the sky, leaving a massive hole in the gaming community in the Carolinas, and an even bigger hole in the hearts of his friends and family.  There is currently one final “MACE” planned this Fall, to be known as JeffCon, with all proceeds going to the Smith family.  We’ll provide details as we get them, as we are hoping to get involved and support the show.  Please keep the Smith family in your thoughts and prayers.

Please trot on over to the iTunes page for our podcast and give us a rating – whatever you think is fair!
We’re still a few reviews short of iTunes recommending us in their podcast engine, and every rating helps.  Thanks!

Thank you for joining us for  Mentioned in Dispatches and checking out the official podcast of The Regiment of Strategy Gaming.
You can also find our regiment’s social media on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  (We have an Instagram page and we never use it.)  We have our Patreon, where you can support The Armchair Dragoons activities and maybe get name-checked on the podcast, too!
Feel free to talk back to us either in our site forums, or in the discussion area below.



Mentioned In Dispatches
Mentioned in Dispatches Season 8 Ep 6 ~ Game Conventions!

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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