Graciously taking time out of their military and academic schedules, we have Dr James Sterrett and CPT Red Powell returning to us from Ft Leavenworth, Kansas, to talk about the wargame design track as a part of the MMAS program at the Command & General Staff College.
- Dr Sterrett has previously talked with us about the MMAS program on our podcast.
- CPT Powell dropped by our site last Fall to discuss his studies.
- Dr Sterrett & I have previously had dueling columns about “games” vs “sims” (around the 58-minute mark or so)
This time around, we talk about how CPT Powell ended up in the program. He also shares a variety of details around his project, which involves building a battalion-level team of leaders, and then testing that team in a tactical environment. Our summation doesn’t do it justice; listen to him explain it!
CPT Powell also gives us the low-down on his involvement with the US Army Esports team, and the recent WH40K event in Las Vegas. And to answer the question we asked on the podcast, yes, you can but your own replica Army Esports team jersey. You can also connect with the Esports team here on their Discord server.
There’s also a callout to Luke and the gang over at Burden of Command and the similarities between his game, and what CPT Powell is working on.
If you get a chance, please go hit the iTunes page for our podcast and give us a rating – whatever you think is fair! We need some more reviews before iTunes will start recommending us in their podcast engine, so every rating helps!
For a consolidated list of the professional-focused podcasts, see this thread in our forums
If you get a chance, please go hit the iTunes page for our podcast and give us a rating – whatever you think is fair! We need some more reviews before iTunes will start recommending us in their podcast engine, so every rating helps!
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