Every week, #TuesdayNewsday gives you a digest of what’s important in the strategy gaming world >>>
This Week’s Headline:
No real headline this time. Just finalizing our Origins events and getting ready to release that schedule.
Newly Released This Week:
- S&T #330 is shipping this week, with a cover story on the Mediterranean in 13th century.
- Minden Games has released Panzerschreck #19, with 2 games included (both solo): U-Boat Captain, and Battle of Cajamarca, 1532.
- Because what the world needed – just needed! – was Munchkin: Spongebob Squarepants, SJG has got you covered.
- Ares Games has released the 2nd edition of Waste Knights.
- Victrix has released a new set of Persian Armoured Cavalry for all your swords-&-sandals minis needs.
On Sale This Week:
- GMT’s usual Summer sale has been tweaked this year: it’s only for people that pledged to their p500 over the past year, as a reward for helping them thru the pandemic.
- There’s a Starfinder book bundle on Humble Bundle that’s also a fundraiser for Comics for Kids. You can get bundles from 12 to 38 items, including a bunch of physical copies, too. It’s about a $400 value if you go for the big one.
- Decision Games’ monthly sale for August is on their series of D-Day games, with up to 30% off if you buy 4 of them.
- Paradox has Victoria 2 on sale at 75% off
- S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is Modern War #40, with the Chechen War game.
Newly Launched This Week:
- Elite squad of international mercenaries about to get stuck in a hostile jungle? It’s time to Get To Da
ChoppaCheckpoint!. It’s a solo dice game where you try to get your team out of the jungle and home safely, while fighting off whatever gets in your way. - The Gamer’s Armory is taking preorders on the upcoming Advancing Fire: Prokhorovka! scenario pack, compatible with the ASLSK rules, but including a crapton of HASL mapsheets (five! at 37×23, and another 3 others) and about 1000 counters.
- Compass Games is doing that “preorder without calling it a preorder” again, using Kickstarter. This time, you can get Granada: Last Stand of the Moors, 1482-1492 for about 20% off MSRP.
- RPG settings? Sure! How about the Travellers Guide to Prymordia, which include 4 connected, but distinct settings (so you only have to order the one you want) and a variety of story hooks for all the different creatures, faces, and places in each setting.
- How about a game on water conservation, designed by a bunch of kids in India, focused on the Ganga River?
- Launched, and canceled within a week, the new Worthington Games Excalibur was pulled back down for some tweaking before being relaunched at a later date.
This Week With The Armchair Dragoons:
- We ask “Five Questions” of Mons 1914 designer Geoffrey Phipps.
- Saturday Night Fights is still hammering away at Gettysburg – now up to day 3!
- This week’s classic article is an older review of the Eagle/Gryphon classic Bootleggers!
- We’re still looking for a few ship captains for the end-of-month Sail & Shot tournament coming up! (Note, we did not say “a few good ship captains”)
- Other online games with the Armchair Dragoons
- The Chain of Command campaign rumbles on! This episode is “Falling Back”
- The Battle of Omdurman for Black Powder 2 with a sweet background for the game table.
- Our three-headed Stellaris game is still going on, and Dave seems to prefer writing AARs to sleeping so you can keep up with the campaign in our forums.
- We’re still looking for some writers! So feel free to hop into our forums and shoot BayonetBrant a note. Newbies & rookies are welcome & encouraged!
News From The Wargame Industry:
- Avalanche Press has a neat alt-history of the “Second Great War” where WW1 ‘ended’ 1916, and then immediately saw more conflicts all over the globe. One such flashpoint was the US and Great Britain at odds over Irish independence.
- Matrix Games ‘announced’ a new Order of Battle expansion: Allies Resurgent. When there’s anything substantive for you, we’ll let you know.
- WargameHQ is back! And has a cool look at rulebooks.
- COINFest is this weekend.
- Thanks to COVID lockdowns in Malaysia, Battlefront are suspending sales of certain products so the manufacturer can catch up when they’re allowed to go back to work.
- This week on Twitter there was a funny exchange about game designers and the reactions they get when people ask what they do.
Something From Our Partners:
- RMN has a consolidated look at the “shipping apocalypse” from a couple of different sources.
- Ardwulf’s counter clipping stream talked about “Lifestyle Wargames” and hey, we don’t really care which way you swing.
- Moe has been teaching folks how to play Bruce Maxwell’s new NATO: The Cold War Goes Hot. Part 1 and Part 2 are up, and more coming.
The Professional & Practitioner Wargaming World:
Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.
- The West Point history department is putting players through a Gettysburg Wargame before taking the cadets on a field trip to the site.
- We’re back to trying to prevent a China-Taiwan conflict if possible, rather than have the wargames come true.
- UK Fight Club have a bunch of their webinars available online.
- This week, GUWS has The Craft of Wargaming: Best Practices for Defense Wargaming and next week, they’ve got Fight Club and WarPaths: Wargaming ALL Levers of Government (on Monday, not Tuesday)
- PaxSims has an interesting article about a multi-week long simulation/game with pretty much everyone as remote as they’ve been for 18 months now….
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.