Every week, #TuesdayNewsday gives you a digest of what’s important in the strategy gaming world >>>
Perpetual Headline:
Our next ACDC is coming up 14-16 January 2022. We still need a few GM’s to lock down their event times with us and then we can finally get the schedule out!
- Pre-publication sessions of Song for War (WW2 in the Med) with designers Seth & Chris
- Robotech Reconstruction with the design team
- A rolling three-part Kriegsspiel where subsequent sessions will depend on what happened in the previous battle
- Dogfights in space with Ad Astra Games
- Twilight:2000 with the new Free League system
- Falling Sky 4-player COIN games
- Pre-Kickstarter “learn from the designer” with David Thompson for his upcoming Lanzerath Ridge
- OCS Bootcamp with Ardwulf
- At least 2 student presentation teams discussing their wargame design class projects
- Kickstarter-launch-week game of Swords Around the Throne
- World at War ’85 and Lock ‘n Load Tactical with the development team
- White Eagle Defiant and Last One Standing with designers Shaw & Heilman
- Grognard-of-the-Year Jim O’s usual epic-scale Tabletop Simulator battle royales
Newly Released This Week:
- As always, GMT’s monthly update rolled out right after our newsday got released. So most of y’all already know that the following are already shipping to p500 customers and will be available to the public imminently
PicoArmor WW2 M4(76) in 3mm PicoArmor have released a bunch of division-sized backs for 3mm series of minis, in support of the Panzer Korps rules.
- Charge Wargames have released Charge! Eagles Rising, a new set of tactical Napoleonics rules, and a scenario book to go with it, thru Wargame Vault.
- We might’ve missed it when it actually started shipping, but Avalanche Press has released August 1914 for their Infantry Attacks series (think “PanzerGrenadier WW1”).
- Steve Jackson Games has released the Girl Genius sourcebook/RPG with all the awesome Foglio artwork.
- Dark City Games released Edge of the World, a naval-themed TFT-style game.
- Warlord Games are shipping the new issue of Wargames Illustrated.
- Warlord Games also has a bunch of “Bad Santa” specials with exclusive minis for a bunch of their WW2 box sets. Take a look at the Blitzkrieg German Infantry and the US Infantry.
On Sale This Week:
- LNLP has their holiday sale still going on, but their Command Ops 2 series is pretty much all 50% off, except the core engine (because, well, it’s already free)
- There was some social media chatter last week about Tarawa 1943, especially with the guys at TPA. Hey look, it’s on sale right now!
- Matrix Games’ holiday sale weeks close out the year with a big-ass sale on All Things Command at 30% off or more (except Red Tide)
- Amazon Prime members can snag some freebies for Call of Duty Mobile thru the Prime site.
- Paradox has the entire Cities: Skylines series on sale at at least 50% off and most of it at 80% or more
- S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is Modern War #24, with Ambush at LZ Albany.
Newly Launched This Week:
- Wizkids are taking pre-orders on their upcoming Gargantuan Tiamat
statueRPG “mini” and yes, it’s more than many car payments. - Another pretty cool digital RPG map-making tool on Kickstarter.
- Last chance to get your discounted pre-orders for Sword & Fire: Manila through The Gamer’s Armory.
- GMT Games also put another 3 games on p500 in their latest update
- North Africa ’41 is a Simonitch design, but not the same ZOC-bond system we’re all used to
- Infernal Machine: Dawn of Submarine Warfare
This Week With The Armchair Dragoons:
Slow week here, since a bunch of the regular game nights were also holidays, and the vacation schedules kind of screwed up our usual synch matrix.
- Talk to us about things you’d like to see from The Armchair Dragoons in 2022
- My Own Worst Enemy ~ Across 5 Aprils Part 6
- Another classic Cyrano rant
- In our forums, we’re talking about the biggest wargaming stories of 2021.
- Mentioned in Dispatches has wrapped up season 7, and you can check out the entire run here.
- Don’t forget about our consolidated event calendar, with 50-odd game conventions on it (so far!)
- Other online games with the Armchair Dragoons
- Wednesday Night Warfare fought a battle with The Men Who Would Be Kings minis rules.
- Dusting of Lasalle 2, the guys hashed out The Battle of Dunzling
- With Saturday Night Fights on Monday, it was back to Lasalle 2 for The Battle of Windknollen
- Our buddy Hazdrubal did a really neat video about re-skinning figures for TTS
News From The Wargame Industry:
- We already mentioned MMP canceling Winter Offensive. Here’s the official announcement.
- Avalanche Press’s latest articles include some interesting notes on the Panzer Lehr, and the German Catapult ships.
- This week on Twitter there was a discussion about COIN wargames
Okay wargames twitter – what are the best operational and tactical COIN games? Open to tabletop and PC, and FPSs like Arma 3 are valid – I love the COIN bg series, it inspired me to read some Kilcullen, and now I need to zoom in @SebastianBae @Volko26 @fredserval @markherman54 ❤
— Tim Wainwright (@Tim_Wainwright) December 27, 2021
Something From Our Partners:
- Rocky is taking a deep dive into the sci-fi RPG genre, and his love of Traveller, and setting that are ‘compatible’ like the new Hostile setting that he says is his RPG of the year
- Moe popped up Celles and took a look inside
- Ardwulf’s counter clipping stream talked about organizing & storing your collections, but a lot about the new GMT update, and NWS.
News From The 4X Gaming World:
We’ve also got a 4X-specific area in the forums to discuss any of these, too.
- After over five years in development, Remnants of the Precursors finally launched on Christmas Day. ROTP is a Windows-based modernization/remake of the original Masters of Orion released in 1993, with revamped artwork & visuals, improved UI/UX, a much better AI, numerous bug fixes, and an absolute ton of additional improvements & refinements. To top it all off, the game is FREE — no purchase or donation required, ever. You can download & play it here.
- Developer Beetlewing has released the second update for Slipways, their surprisingly fun space grand-strategy/puzzle game. The update adds new features, new technologies, and a rebalanced perk/tech tree. The game is also currently available for 15% off on Steam (although it was already cheap to begin with).
- Iceberg Interactive dropped the 1.3.7 patch for Pax Nova, developer Grey Wolf Entertainment’s 4x set on/in both land and space. The patch mostly focuses on performance improvements, balance changes, and bug fixes. In addition, however, Grey Wolf indicated they’re working on a far more significant update that’s going to add new content & features, which will be available to players soon.
The Professional & Practitioner Wargaming World:
Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.
- Logistics being important to modern warfare? No way!
- GUWS are still chilling over the Winter break, but are kicking off the new year with a bang as Liz Davidson will be presenting Never Just a Game: What Our Board Games Tell Us About Ourselves
- BAE are buying Bohemia Interactive, which puts the primary professional FPS designer under the thumb of one of the world’s biggest LSI’s. It’ll be interesting to see how this works out, especially since BAE and Matrix/Slitherine have been working together for over 5 years, too.
- We will close you out for the year with this look at a micro-armor layout of a full US Army armored brigade
CGSC Staff Grp 15C views miniatures depicting an Armored Brigade Combat Team on the move. The visualization, by ArmyU’s Directorate of Simulation Education, gives students an appreciation of the complexity & depth of the BCT & the difficulty in moving such a large element. pic.twitter.com/3WGxvVhVSd
— U.S. Army CGSC (@USACGSC) December 26, 2021
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.