A most pleasant surprise; I didn't expect playable pirates for a long time yet. I hope the expansion also fleshes out the current NPC pirate factions, closer to how they were in Distant Worlds: Universe. Either way, though, I'm excited for it.
The Zenox getting their refresh next month makes me happy, though I hope it also includes actual unique mechanics, and not just upgraded ship visuals. I'm also looking forward to the Wekkarus DLC in April; they were always one of my favorite races in DWU. The Securans and the Naxxilians coming next year I consider good news as well; neither was my favorite, but they were still fun to play. I'm admittedly a little bummed about the Ackdarians getting their refresh last, though I think I understand why, as they're generally considered to have already been the most "polished" base race to begin with.

« Last Edit: Today at 01:43:40 AM by Martok »
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