Now for a moment of fatherly pride. As you will recall, my boys won some plastic kits at a convention a few months back. We took to building some of the kits and then we painted them.
A German Tiger painted more or less in a late-war camo color scheme. Firstly, I airbrushed the base color. The boy helped to airbrush the stripes and handpainted painted the tracks. I think we did pretty good for a father-and-son joint effort. We still need to address some of the details but not too shabby for our first tank.

I primed the other son's US infantry but he did all of the painting himself. Historically accurate? I have no idea. I do not care. He does not care. The look of pride on his face was awesome and he immediately showed them off to mom, sisters, me, mom, his brother, me, mom, his sisters, the dog, one of the cats, me, his mom...

He wants to build and paint a few more to use as his gang in Fistful of Lead. I stand by my belief. Kids can do some amazing things if given the chance and guidance.