I enjoy and prefer to make my own terrain. However, I just do not have time to craft up some much-needed terrain for our ongoing Ultramarine and Necron war. So I picked up a couple of cheap sets of GW ruins terrains. Not trying to sound like a total fanboy but the cost was worth the time savings and it looks great. I assembled something like 9 or 10 pieces in a couple of hours. Now at some point, I just need to put the airbrush to it for a good prime and paint job. I have been experimenting with using cheap craft acrylics with the airbrush and it works well. So I plan to do the majority of the paint that way and just do a few bits and bobs with a brush to bring out some of the details. I need to pick up a pot of black or dark brown ink to make some cheap bulk wash.
I do have some MDF cut and a sheet of 1" and 2" foam to put together some hills and cliffs. I have also picked out some of my seashells to do a couple of rocky rough terrain pieces.