I haven't really done anything much with it lately. I got a bit stuck finding figure files for things I'm interested in. But I'm going to be doing some ACW ships as soon as we get back from NC after Thanksgiving.
I did get some 1:6000 WW2 ships painted, that I ordered in metal a while back. The Battle of Denmark Strait. They're really horrible looking.

I should probably have found some colored pics before I dug into them. One thing I wanted to do was put them on clear plastic bases, but cutting the plastic and doing decent labels seem to be beyond my kindergarten-level craft skills.
Anyway, so then there was the time that I somehow spilled a bunch of resin
into the printer. That was a mess. I've also learned how to replace the screen protector for the UV LCD projector thingy and I need to replace the transparent bottom of the vat because things keep sticking to it (several of my test prints broke off their supports and stuck when the stage lifted up between layers and I had to scrape them off, damaging the bottom of the vat). So far, I haven't broken anything that wasn't a replaceable item, but...
One thing I really need to do is experiment with different resins. The one I started with was highly recommended, and seems to work well, but I've had those sticking issues, plus it's really brittle. I have a friend with a FDM printer, and he prints useful things while the results I've had are much more attractive, but much more fragile.
I am still really impressed with the printer, though. It was less than a month's worth of groceries and
it works really well. Once again, I'm the weak link.