Starting to learn Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon.
I have the all-in version with all the expansions and the Knights of Ruin game as well, but this is the original one. It looks pretty fun. I tried the intro scenario (which is very easy to set up), and it seemed good, but the combat and diplomacy cards seem convoluted. I just need to read through the rules and see if that helps any (I'm just sitting down today to read through, now). The intro scenario has a four-page large pamphlet of sorts that spells out what you need and how to set the game up.
The card organization is a bit baffling and frustrated me a lot yesterday as I tried to set up for this. To keep things easier, I'm going to try one-player solo play, using Beor (a warrior blacksmith). There's three other characters in the base game, plus a fourth from the Kickstarter/Gamefound all in; I like them all well enough, but each has an aspect that's a bit annoying. That said, every character has a benefit/good action they can take that's inherent to them, and likewise, have a drawback that can affect them, if you allow them to get into that kind of situation. For Beor, his positive is he can spend a bunch of energy to craft three items and choose one to keep, which is really cool. His downside is, if he becomes Exhausted (meaning, you spend too much energy doing Actions during the day), he will lose one Health. This isn't too big a deal as at the end of the day, you can eat a Food and regain one Health, but if you lose Health in combat during the day on top of that, you could quickly get behind on it.
I'm just barely scratching the surface right now, but it looks fun. I only have a bit of time on this before I get to a few other games for the podcast. But this is really the first of my big-box collection adventure-type games that I've had on my table from the lot of 'em. I'd culled a lot a few months ago - about half of my collection - but kept pretty much all the all-in ones I have, LOL.