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Origins 2025 will be held in Columbus OH from 18-22 June, and the Wargame HQ will be back with over 150 events across all 5 days, and publishers like GMT, Decision, Fort Circle, Catastrophe, Ares, and the Dietz Foundation all supporting us.

Author Topic: Whats on Your Table?  (Read 275237 times)


  • Lancer
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Reply #1050 on: April 27, 2024, 11:36:45 AM

Love me some chit pull.

I did really like the variable turn time aspect of LHY.

neach-gleidhidh na h-Alba


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Reply #1051 on: April 27, 2024, 11:47:41 AM
Yeah, that combination of trying to keep casualties down and watching the time limit. Great stuff.

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'


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Reply #1052 on: April 27, 2024, 01:17:46 PM
Can I ask what size table you can "get away with"? I have a 35" x 50" area with 60" if absolutely necessary

Mine is 63" x 31.5".

It's this table here:


  • Lancer
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Reply #1053 on: April 28, 2024, 04:12:09 PM
Love me some chit pull.
And....up for sale.

I got really, really bored with rolling for activations for the Union and having them fail and only able to perform a Fire Order.

I was on turn 5 and the first 3 chits I pulled were Birney and Ayers (x2). Birney needs a roll of 2 or less and Ayers a 3 or less to have a full activation...both rolled high and they weren't within range of Confederate forces so couldn't attack resulting in 2 burned activations for Ayers brigades and 1 for Birney and that was me.

Salerno '43 is next.

neach-gleidhidh na h-Alba


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Reply #1054 on: April 28, 2024, 04:16:10 PM
Ah well, no one can say you didn't try. Whilst I love the system, I'm really not that interested in a game that just covers the one day of a 3 day battle. there are better games in the series, and, to be honest, if you are new to the series, that particular game is maybe not the best one to start with.

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'


  • Lancer
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Reply #1055 on: April 29, 2024, 06:33:42 AM
I did give it a good go. It was on my table for almost two months think.

My wife was telling me to "Pack it up! Pack it up!"...trying to understand why I was playing a game that I kept walking away from to do other stuff.

neach-gleidhidh na h-Alba


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Reply #1056 on: May 11, 2024, 04:19:18 PM
I'm having a break from some pretty intensive games of LHY, and I'm now playing 2nd Battle of Kernstown, one of the ACW Blind Sword series from Revolution Games.

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'


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Reply #1057 on: May 11, 2024, 04:53:06 PM
On My table: Saipan: the bloody rock, from Compass Games one of the Company Scale Series. This has been suspended for a month, as we prepare for running Brazen Chariots at Origins. That's just been set up on someone else's table.

Also on my table: Kesselring's War, as a solitaire exploration. I've played 7 of 8 turns, and have learned a few things, but not quite how to make a big amphibious landing in this system. I pulled off the Sicily landings and the Italian "toe" landing, but my Salerno attempt was thrown back by the Germans. I think I learned a few things, as I followed with Sardinia and Corsica landings, which led to a landing adjacent to Rome instead of Anzio. As it uses alternate impulses, I think it would run better as an opposed game than a solitaire one.


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Reply #1058 on: June 08, 2024, 03:25:13 PM
Starting to learn Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon.

I have the all-in version with all the expansions and the Knights of Ruin game as well, but this is the original one. It looks pretty fun. I tried the intro scenario (which is very easy to set up), and it seemed good, but the combat and diplomacy cards seem convoluted. I just need to read through the rules and see if that helps any (I'm just sitting down today to read through, now). The intro scenario has a four-page large pamphlet of sorts that spells out what you need and how to set the game up.

The card organization is a bit baffling and frustrated me a lot yesterday as I tried to set up for this. To keep things easier, I'm going to try one-player solo play, using Beor (a warrior blacksmith). There's three other characters in the base game, plus a fourth from the Kickstarter/Gamefound all in; I like them all well enough, but each has an aspect that's a bit annoying. That said, every character has a benefit/good action they can take that's inherent to them, and likewise, have a drawback that can affect them, if you allow them to get into that kind of situation. For Beor, his positive is he can spend a bunch of energy to craft three items and choose one to keep, which is really cool. His downside is, if he becomes Exhausted (meaning, you spend too much energy doing Actions during the day), he will lose one Health. This isn't too big a deal as at the end of the day, you can eat a Food and regain one Health, but if you lose Health in combat during the day on top of that, you could quickly get behind on it.

I'm just barely scratching the surface right now, but it looks fun. I only have a bit of time on this before I get to a few other games for the podcast. But this is really the first of my big-box collection adventure-type games that I've had on my table from the lot of 'em. I'd culled a lot a few months ago - about half of my collection - but kept pretty much all the all-in ones I have, LOL.


  • Lancer
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Reply #1059 on: June 15, 2024, 05:02:00 PM
Just started

neach-gleidhidh na h-Alba


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Reply #1060 on: June 15, 2024, 05:15:31 PM
VUCA do some good games.

I'm still well into LHY - specifically Vol IV at the moment.

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'


  • Lancer
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Reply #1061 on: June 16, 2024, 03:30:37 AM
I think I have to get that back on my table after this...or soon after this.

I still have games I haven't played and I want to get them on the table to experience them. But then my brain says "Just go back to [insert good, tried game here] for a while.

Before I put this up and after I played Salerno '43, I put Fields of Fire on the table  ::)

I guess I'll try the formula 1 or 2 new games on, one favourite...Whittle my backlog down like that.

I was just about to say I haven't bought any new games for a few months now...then I checked and I bought Afghanistan '85 in May! And looking back, i bought Ardennes II in March!!

So I'm not even remembering what I've bought.

neach-gleidhidh na h-Alba


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Reply #1062 on: June 18, 2024, 09:46:56 AM
I just started the France '40 combined campaign. With Juneteenth tomorrow, I hope to knock out the entire game.

After that I'm debating playing A Most Fearful Sacrifice of the Fate of All.


  • Lancer
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Reply #1063 on: June 23, 2024, 07:22:44 AM
Turn 2
Ihad 2 OKH chits and i spent one of them for 3 negotiation points so i could evacuate Kharkiv...glad i did because that front collapsed this turn and the Russians captured it.

Russians are making decent progress in the North (bottom of the pic as you look at it)

They've also got a bridgehead across the Donetz in the south and in the centre.

As for the Germans, they need to move their units away from the Donetz in the south (top of the map as you look at it) so they don't get caught in a pocket.

The Germans are struggling to keep a line.

I read a post on BGG where the player moved the Germans behind the Dnipro by turn 4...and I'm not sure if that was by choice or necessity...but I do think its by necessity.

One important thing for the Germans, I think, is trying to keep distance between him and the Russians to make the Russians move before attacking...preventing him from making breakthroughs.

I'm currently trying to hold a line, whilst keeping distance between me and the Russians whilst trying to get behind the Dnipro.

It's a challenge.

I thought this game was going to be boring because the Germans don't get to attack much at all...but it's very engaging trying to just keep their armies alive.

Big thumbs up for this one

neach-gleidhidh na h-Alba


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Reply #1064 on: June 23, 2024, 01:03:37 PM
I keep scheduling out my podcast episodes and that drives what games I get to the table next (except for my distraction with Fall of Avalon, which was fun).

I should get a wargame to the table next but it's not on the schedule, ha. Oh well. It's my podcast, I'll do what I want I guess. I just need to be cognizant of 'my' audience in that there's not a lot of wargamers among them, but my wargaming episodes seem to garner more listens. Who knew.

I did get Global War (by White Dog) to the table a few days ago, and that's pretty fun if a little convoluted to learn (and apparently it has a similar system to Kaiserkrieg!, which I also have but haven't played yet - so that's at least going to give me a head start with that one when I do get to it). I might do the Zorn Red Blight game by Luttmann, or perhaps Vive L'Emperour. Zorn is soloable and Vive is solo-only I think. Either way they're Blue Panther products. It'll probably be Vive for now.

I'm actually ahead of schedule for once in the damned podcast, lol. One episode just released yesterday and another recorded, which just needs editing and that gives me a week or two of space to learn something new.