Ha, I wish! Then I might actually be able to afford all the games I want to get, never mind the ones I end up hyping/recommending to the rest of you.
Martok you still know me too well. IIRC the word on the TW street is either WWI or M3. Undies-laundering for me for sure. I basically exercise and try to eat right so I can survive long enough to play either.
You should get a job with CA marketing. You're making me more interested in Pharaoh. 'Geek and I will send you our receipts.
Personally, Medieval 3 and Empire 2 remain my biggest wishes for the next historical Total War, though I suspect it will be long before we see either (despite continued clamor from the fanbase for both). I wonder sometimes whether CA is keeping those in their proverbial back pocket for when they really need a big "win", and/or have no other time period/region they want to explore.
And you're welcome; happy to torment. I shouldn't suffer alone, after all.
Why you be like that....
...he has to be. Otherwise he wouldn't be Martok