Armchair Dragoons Forums


  • Origins 2025 will be held in Columbus OH from 18-22 June, and the Wargame HQ will be back with over 150 events across all 5 days, and publishers like GMT, Decision, Fort Circle, Catastrophe, Ares, and the Dietz Foundation all supporting us.
  • Connections Online 2025 will be held 7-12 April, 2025. This virtual professional conference will be co-hosted by Armchair Dragoons and is aimed at the overlap between hobby wargamers and the NatSec / Defense / serious games communities.


Connections Online 2025 will be held 7-12 April, 2025. This virtual professional conference will be co-hosted by Armchair Dragoons and is aimed at the overlap between hobby wargamers and the NatSec / Defense / serious games communities.

Author Topic: 'Configurationals' from 'moi' "Upset/Mindset/Unsettled" considerations  (Read 6322 times)


  • Guest
Hoi y`alls, as I'll present differing/unusual/unique/bizarre(?) various 'Bits' reconfigured even, with some comparison-pieces displayed beside such. I'll be making plenty of 'Replies' through/about/to accompany them too, `cause: "WE need THUS do`ds!"

There is, starting from the TOP LEFT going into Middle then RIGHT: 'Comm Tower' of separated 'Legs' off/detached from 'Oil Derrick'-in "Power Barons" Game, as yes V-E-R-Y carefully 'cut apart' of such; 'Wheels SET' detached off a 'Droid'-Toy and put onto "Moon Buggy" body I made; minuscule 'Minis'-(?) of "Hydrofoil"-('Ticonderoga'?) first making its 'Vietnam'-era appearance sitting above of "M~opoly" 'BB' as comparison vessel; then 'Undetermined' possible 'Riverine Craft/Barge/ Monitor/etc(?)

NEXT ROW from LEFT: several severed/separated 'Gatling/Chain Guns/RADAR Controlled' Turrets to sit atop/into the 'BASE' with hole shown just ABOVE such; "Dipping Stick" used to 'dip' piece into 'Plasticote/etc' solution/canister so as to permit 'Paint' adherence-(use that for anything then);  'Helicopter'-mini had "rotating blades" even! and being taken from a 'Toy Ship' then; Green 'AA Gun' out of "Conflict" Game.

RIGHT side: "LIFE"-mansion made into 'HQ'-building with 'BB'-model kit structure atop them; actual metal-cast 'Micro'(?) something "Fortification" already gotten its several 'Plasticoting'-applique and awaiting 'Paint'; lastly along bottom are a couple of formerly "S.W." 'B'-Wing spaceships MINUS their 'Wings' now, yet still appearing as something! 

ONCE I had accumulated many "LIFE"-'Boards', then it was ONLY "ill`nlogicallogistical" to put these unto 'embettered' use, hence:
"The Game of LIFE/DEATH Race 2010"!, so, that "Moon Buggy" will participate ala "Diamonds are Forever"-inspired.


  • Fresh Recruit
  • Posts: 8
    • Poseidon's Table
That "green AA gun" is a Monopoly piece, as well.  That set is from the 30s-40s.  I grew up playing my Mom's set, and she had both the BB and the howitzer as playing pieces.  Nowadays they probably have flowers, rainbows, solar panels and unicorns.  :/

Blake H. Lindsey,
Merced, CA

“The french Captain tells me, I have caused a War with France; If so I am glad of it, for I detest Things being done by Halves.”  --- Commodore Thomas Truxtun of the USS Constellation, after defeating the French frigate L'Insurgente, 1799


  • Guest
That "green AA gun" is a Monopoly piece, as well.  That set is from the 30s-40s.  I grew up playing my Mom's set, and she had both the BB and the howitzer as playing pieces.  Nowadays they probably have flowers, rainbows, solar panels and unicorns.  :/
Worsteenedestesses yet STILL, because, NOW they have 'Decapitated Unicorn-noggins' ala "Godfatheresque-sort" in "Unlucky 4 Unicorn Charms" What's next? "C-R-A-Z-Y for 'RAT Caca Poops BRAN"?!? TWICE the 'Scoops' as what you expect to 'find' in the 'Cat Box', and does even contain portions FROM Shroedinger's cat, the 'Box', that is.