January 21, 2025

Connections Online Registration is Open- Tuesday Newsday 3/23/21

Every week, #TuesdayNewsday brings you the headlines in wargaming and the strategy gaming world >>>

This Week’s Headline:


Registration is open for Connections Online 2021.  Please note that the core events from 12-14 April have no real limits on the numbers of attendees, and there are no overlapping events scheduled at these times, so if you’re just after the main presentations for the conference, you’ll get to attend those just fine.

However, the extended events from 10-18 April will have attendance caps, and registration will be limited to those who specifically register for them.  We are still in the process of finalizing several of these events with the GMs, so check back for the schedule to see what’s new.



Newly Released This Week:


  • Revolution Games is now shipping the boxed edition of Ted Racier’s The Deadly Woods.  It’s still available at $12 off right now.
  • Matrix Games has released Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations – 1941 and has some neat preview video here.
  • Aries Edizioni has released Lepanto 1571, about the naval battle in – get this – 1571!  It’s a fight on the waves between the Ottomans and Pius V’s Holy League and no, we didn’t steal that from Battletech.
  • How about a FREE download from Modiphiüs for Star Trek Adventures?  How about a free one featuring the Klingons?  How about a free one featuring the Klingons that includes enough rules to start playing?  Prayers answered.


News From The Wargame Industry:

  • Looking for some off-the-wall imports, like the games from VUCA Sims or Disimula Edizioni?  Quarterdeck International is carrying a lot of them.
  • S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is They Died With Their Boots On 2, which includes 2 games in the same system, covering Pershing’s campaign against Pancho Villa in the 1910s, and a frontier campaign in Ohio in the late 1700s.  Yes, seriously.
  • Hollandspiele is having a big ‘flash’ sale that includes some canvas maps, and other discounts.



Newly Launched This Week:


New from the Dragoons:


Something From Our Partners:

  • Moe & Ardwulf teamed up on this panel on Youtube last night, in lieu of the normal counter-clipping stream.
  • Gary & Dan are also working on an “everything you wanted to know about wargames” video series, including this one about NATO symbols.


The Professional Wargaming World:


This Week on Six Degrees of Radio:

A look at some great music from the past 40 60–odd years, with stories about the different songs.


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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One thought on “Connections Online Registration is Open- Tuesday Newsday 3/23/21

  1. I understand the Irregular Conflict series, or at least this game, has its origin in some designs that came out of the Consim Game Jam last year, which theme was, “Recycle a COIN Game” to do something new with it. Some remarkable stuff; you know and I know what can be done in 72 hours. Another one is in the offing. http://consimgamejam.com/

    And no, I haven’t taken over the GMT warehouse but I did joke once that Gene B. had bought a quarter of a million small black wooden octagons, so they have to be used up somehow….

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