Yep, it’s #TuesdayNewsday and there’s a bunch going on in wargaming this week >>>
Newly Released This Week:
From the designers of Brave Little Belgium, Hollandspiele brings us White Eagle Defiant, covering the invasion of Poland in 1939.
- JTS released an update to their Seven Years War game with now 3d graphics and some additional scenarios.
- There’s a new Team Yankee starter box with a variety of vehicles for you to fight with, including M1IPs, M60A3s, BMP3s, and T80s. Please ignore the fact that doctrinally, BMP3s were never assigned to regimental or divisional recon units, which were BRDM-equipped.
- Now that Fall is here, you know you want some Halloween-themed dice, like these from SJG.
Newly Launched This Week:
- Data Science as a card game? SQL tables as… (gasp!) fun?! Well, Rows & Tables is here for you. And they’re already met their funding mark with over 27 days to go.
- Avalanche Press is touting their upcoming River Battleships game in the PanzerGrenadier line, which includes river battles with gunboats and ground troops. Unlike many of their ‘book’ expansions to the PG series, this one is a complete game.
- C3i Ops Center is still taking preorders on the deluxe edition of Mark Herman’s Waterloo game. It’s due to be released at the end of this month.
News From The Wargame Industry:
- Paradox has March of the Eagles on sale right now.
- Flying Pig has a big sale on their Platoon Commander: Kursk games and expansions
- Matrix Games has announced the BSG-Deadlock Season 2 “finale” will be released on 9/24 with 2 new DLCs and an update, and they have a fun little video to you with the announcement.
- Who here wants to see a new ACW game where the portraits of the generals on the counters are all replaced by their corresponding Muppets characters?
- Last call to get Decision Games’ Battle for Germany at the pre-order price before they start shipping next week.
- FFG has a new Rise of the Red Skull expansion for their Marvel Champions game, as well as some new player mats for different characters.
New from the Dragoons:
- Saturday Night Fights fought the Battle of Marathon. And it was…. not a marathon game
- SUNday Night Fights held a special session for the anniversary of Borodino.
- My Own Worst Enemy is fighting Ligny from Napoleon’s Last Battles.
- Classic reviews revisited the mobile implementation of 7 Wonders.
- Mentioned in Dispatches is back this Friday
The Professional Wargaming World:
- Want to read Stephen Downes-Martin’s (in)famous “Three Witches” article? You’re in luck!
- The USMC is building a new “high-tech wargaming center” at Quantico
- Interested in how to wargame different aspects of cyber-security? So is War on the Rocks.
- Connections Netherlands is coming up in December.
Something From The Real World That You Can Use In A Game:
- Someone really needs a “propaganda failure” event in a less-than-kinetic game, but it will likely still pale in its lack of realism to what’s actually happened in Belarus with the Russians trying to covertly prop up Lukaschenko.
- Chinese troops on the Indian border, armed with spears & machetes? That’ll make for some interesting hand-to-hand combat rules.
- The Chinese are also deploying anti-aircraft missiles along the border, and it appears that they’re ramping up for a greater territorial push, similar to what they’ve been doing in the Pacific.
Something From Our Partners:
- Moe checks out Live Free or Die from Microgram Design Group
- Ardwulf has a tutorial series going on the old VG classic Vietnam 1965-1975, with parts 1 and 2 so far
- Dan visits with Jaro from Phalanx Games
- RMN rives into Washington’s Crossing from Revolution Games.
This Week’s Tunes:
We’re going to continue to reference the Six Degrees of Radio blog from our editor in this space, although we might shake it up on occasion. This past week?
- Primadonna Like Me by The Struts
- Suitcase Blues by Triumph
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
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