Every week, #TuesdayNewsday brings you the headlines in wargaming and the strategy gaming world >>>
This Week’s Headline:
The Armchair Dragoons are co-sponsoring this year’s Connections Online conference, 10-18 April, as well as handling registration.
The focus of this year’s conference is Distributed Wargaming and will feature a variety of discussions & presentations on the topic.
This professionally-focused conference is being built 3 key days of events – M-W, 12-14 April – with a mixture of keynotes & panels between 1000-1600 EDT.
The remaining days will include a variety of special events focused on games & demos, as well some ‘how to’ workshops for distributed wargaming.
More information can be found on our Connections page. Registration opens on 22 March.
Newly Released This Week:
- The Battle of Armageddon has escaped from Compass Games, and you can still save a few bucks off the MSRP if you go get it right now. Ardwulf took a look at what’s inside, too.
- Victrix Ltd has released a new WW2 minis ruleset for their 12mm minis. With The War on the Ground you can fight some big battles in small spaces.
- GMT started shipping a bunch of p500’s this past week, so you can be on the lookout for the following hitting your mailbox soon.
- CSL has released The World Undone: Galacia 1914
- Last Stand Games (from LPS) has released Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga and is already down to low stock on it.
News From The Wargame Industry:
- Bruinbear Games are looking for playtesters for their digital implementation of Brian Train’s Winter Thunder game about the Bulge.
- Dark City Games has all their wargames on sale for $10 each with the code WARGAMES in your shopping cart. MOWE has covered a few of these here at ACD.
- “Wargames Illustrated” magazine is looking to hire a web/media developer. Interested?
- Avalanche Press is having a “stimulus sale” to help you spend your check. Assuming you don’t need to catch up on six months of rent or anything.
- Lock ‘n Load has rebooted their forums with some updated software.
- Folks in Europe can take advantage of a sale on Hexasim’s site, where they’re selling stuff from all sorts of US-based publishers like LNLP, MMP, and Worthington
- Matrix Games will have a live stream preview of Warplan Pacific on March 11th on Twitch.
- S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is S&T #304, The American Revolution in the South
- Paradox has Shadowrun: Hong Kong on sale for $5 for another week or so. It’s an older game, but it might be new-to-you!
- New England Simulations website is down. Not sure if that means the company is, too.
Newly Launched This Week:
- Ages of Conflict, a universal minis game, is now launched on Kickstarter. Check it out, and if you have questions, one of the design team is hanging out in our forums, too!
- Panzers Last Stand from MMP isn’t newly-launched, but it did just recently hit its preorder number, and we didn’t want Ages of Conflict to get lonely by itself in this category.
New from the Dragoons:
Michael Eckenfels reviewed the digital implementation of Pavlov’s House
- Mentioned in Dispatches discussed introducing RPG elements into your wargames, and spawned a Twitter discussion specifically covering the integration in Star Fleet Battles
- Saturday Night Fights took a break from Project: Quatre Bras to fight half of the Battle of Borodino using Commands & Colors: Napoleonics
- My Own Worst Enemy keeps chugging along with The Great Crisis of Frederick II
- The AAR/playthrough of The White Tribe continues, up to part 5
Something From Our Partners:
- Moe digs into Tiny Battles’ not-so-tiny D-Day and Beyond
- Ardwulf’s Monday counter clipping stream talked about introductory wargames
- RMN digs into his RPG background thru the lens of the new book Elusive Shift.
The Professional Wargaming World:
- Whispers from the Gray Zone talks about unintentional – but important – lessons learned on the margins of DoD wargames.
- Bas & Kearney talk about getting wargaming out of the schoolhouse and into the force for more regular training and not just during official PME.
- GUWS events: this week it’s the razor-sharp Dr Ellie Bartels talking about the social science of wargaming, and next week it’s a look at wargaming scenarios in the Arctic.
This Week on Six Degrees of Radio:
A look at some great music from the past 40 60–odd years, with stories about the different songs.
- “The Other Song” Week: Wishing I Was There by Natalie Imbruglia
- “The Other Song” Week: Singing In My Sleep by Semisonic
- “The Other Song” Week: Give by Dishwalla
- “The Other Song” Week: Happy by Sister Hazel
- Metal Monday: Monsters by Shinedown
- Burn On by Baker’s Pink
“The Other Song” Week celebrates the attempted follow-up singles for bands largely regarded at one-hit wonders.
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.